发信人: llily (阿兹猫)
标 题: 我想说的一些细节
昨天知道的消息, 悲愤不已。
张是我们的好朋友,他曾经是一个非常爽朗的人,非常节俭, 但对别人很慷慨。
去年九十月间,他认识了顾。 顾认识张的师姐,托她给自己介绍男朋友。
交往之初, 顾对张说, 她马上要毕业了,还没有工作,所以想找男朋友结婚, 生孩子 。我们大家曾反对他们的交往,因为觉得顾太功利。张没有听。
张是个外向的人,感情问题经常和朋友说。 他曾提及,这个顾妹妹,比较强悍,经常和他吵架。 有时候是张在实验室工作很累,她打个电话把他叫来,让他给自己洗衣服。有时候张从实验室回来没有吃晚饭,她问也不问,叫张带她去gym.他们去夏威夷旅游,是张花了所有的旅费。在夏威夷,顾看中一件top, 75刀,一顶帽子,50刀,顾想也不想,就叫张买给她。而此时的顾,已经毕业,处于opt状态,自己的收入靠在餐馆打工,花销基本上来自张的奖学金。顾随后提出找工作,去纽约和芝加哥的旅费全部是张出。而这些所谓的面试,最后都没了下文。
今年四月,是我们最后一次见到张。张那时已经决定和顾分手。他那时正在准备博士资格考试,而已经在芝加哥的顾,在张考试的前几天,不断打电话给张,要生活费,还骂张没用。张关闭手机,不再接顾的电话,写信说分手。张考完试的心情非常不好, 来我们这里散心。说已经决定分手,给我们讲过他们的交往琐事。我们曾规劝他一刀两断,并且不要在经济上和顾有纠缠,张说,她一个女孩子很可怜,我能帮她还是要帮她,钱以后是可以挣回来的。而此时的张,银行已经没有什么存款,还向我们打听银行贷款事宜。
张和顾分手,还有另外的原因。是因为顾在张面前不止一次流露对自己母亲的不屑,因为她的母亲,没有什么社会地位,在东北做小买卖给她攒学费。 她非常想成为一个美国人,她不情愿告诉别人她来自中国。
发信人: shbva
标 题: 哀悼Re: 我想说的一些细节
已经很久没有见到张栋了, 也至少一个半月没有接过他的电话了, 也只是在一个月左
右之前听我们共同的朋友熟人提过他。 当再次听到他时, 他的名字却和一宗“失踪案”
联系在一起; 没过两个小时, 又是听说那个失踪的女孩的尸体被找到了。 再接着, 就
是听说张栋被拘禁, 而且媒体的报导也对他越来越不利。
这几天以来, 我一直在试图冷静地想:到底发生了什么事? 每每想到张栋, 我看到的
都是他从刚由国内来到UK而且一直保持着的那一副朴实, 友好,热情, 乐观, 开朗,
大度, 自信, 聪明, 向上, 朝气蓬勃的面孔。 想起他点点滴滴的好, 伤感就不断地
涌上心来。 多希望再能看到他憨憨的笑, 听听他开朗的声音。
痛悔为什么自己没有与他更多地沟通? 更加痛恨张栋为什么没能早早醒悟, 以致让自己
越陷越深? 张栋原可以有很好的前途。
女孩已经死了, 人死不能复生, 只能祝愿她的家人能够接受这一事实, 好好地生活下
去。 我更加希望张栋若能躲过此一劫, 将来回复本性, 坚强勇敢地做人, 为社会作出
很多很多的贡献。 我希望, 不论结果如何, 张栋都要勇敢真诚地面对自己, 亲朋,
和社会, 作一个他坚定信念中的负责的人。
(附: 现任美国总统夫人劳拉布什年轻时曾不慎开车撞死了她的前男友。)
发信人: cathymouse
标 题: The story I know about gu and zhang
This girl is the worst that I have heard and seen in my whole life. It is
nothing wrong for girls to find husbands with money and green card. the wrong
is she should not use the naive boy again and again. She made him spent all
his graduate stipend for her living, and the guy even borrowed from his
friends to meet the girl's need.The cost is more than $10,000 now.Can you
imagine this for a Chinese graduate studying in US? How he survived all the
torture the girl gave him. It is obvious that graduate cannot make a lot of
money as people who work for companies. So she should realize at the very
beginning that Zhang may not be the kind she wanted. But she found he loved
her, so deeply. So she used him to give her money for her rent in KU, her rent
in Chicago, her expense of living, her expense of travelling and touring the
US. But she knew he loved her, he would not say no and she could still spit on
his face. This is girl who died. I did not say she deserved it, but I will
never pity on her and girls of such a kind.
发信人: 这个写的有点道理
1。预谋杀人 这种情况下一般应该准备好逃跑路线或者制造对自己有利的证据。可是张的
2。冲动杀人 张的做法更是莫名其妙,杀人后瞬间冷静下来,巴巴地跑到印弟安那埋尸体
附:当地报纸新闻Spurned proposals possible clue to slaying
By Peter Mathews And Delano Massey
RICHMOND - A former Eastern Kentucky University exchange student who is thought to have been strangled had recently rejected two marriage proposals from her boyfriend, who is now charged with murder.
But the host family for 24-year-old Yan Gu said they do not know whether the spurned proposals led to Gu's death.
Glen Kleine, a former dean of fine arts and technology at Eastern Kentucky University, and his wife, Joan, befriended Gu when the Chinese graduate student attended EKU. Kleine is a volunteer adviser to the university's International Student Association.
"We'll miss her so," Joan Kleine said yesterday. "She was a sweet girl. She did not deserve that."
Friends of both Gu and her boyfriend, Dong Zhang, say the killing is inexplicable.
According to court documents, Zhang, who reported her missing earlier this month, has confessed to the killing. Last week, he led authorities to a shallow grave in an Indiana cornfield.
A University of Kentucky graduate research assistant, Zhang attempted to commit suicide Monday at the Fayette County jail and was rushed to UK Hospital. Yesterday a UK Hospital official said there was no patient there by that name.
In Indiana, Jackson County Coroner Andy Rumph confirmed yesterday that the victim had been strangled. Authorities are awaiting dental records before making a final determination as to her identity.
But the Kleines and Gu's friends have little doubt that the woman they called "Irene" was the victim.
"We feel in all honesty that she's gone," said Glen Kleine. "But the thought of her still is alive in us."
Loved cooking, yard sales
Gu, 24, enrolled at EKU for the spring 2002 semester as part of an exchange program with Liaoning Institute of Technology in northeastern China.
Gu's friends say she had a vibrant personality but often kept her to herself. She loved to cook and go to yard sales. And she was headstrong: Ignoring the Kleines' advice, she once cajoled her EKU adviser into letting her take more courses than allowed under her graduate assistantship.
At EKU, she graded papers, worked in the statistics lab and helped tutor students in accounting, Glen Kleine said. She earned her master's in business administration in December and moved to Chicago in January.
The Kleines met her boy-friend three times and say he was very quiet and unassuming.
The couple planned to attend a conference this fall in Boston, where Zhang, who had been doing some promising research on breast cancer, was to deliver a paper.
Yu Huang, now a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Wisconsin, said he and Zhang shared a dorm room for four years as undergraduates in China. He called the news of Zhang's arrest "shocking and unbelievable."
"He's very gentle to ladies -- it's even too much," Huang said. "He's kind of famous for his gentle ways."
Zhang, 24, apparently spent a lot of money on Gu -- taking her on a post-graduation trip to Hawaii and Washington, D.C., lending her money, helping her move.
"The girl spent a lot of money," Huang said. "When she was staying in Chicago, all of this money was paid for by my friend.
"He didn't complain a lot about that. He would say, 'Money, you can earn, but your girlfriend is the most important thing.'"
An extradition hearing for Zhang has been scheduled for Tuesday. A court in Illinois set his bail at $1 million.
According to court documents, Zhang "admitted to falsely reporting a missing-persons report on his girlfriend" and "stated he intentionally placed evidence to mislead police."
More like parents
The Kleines are more like parents than friends to the eight or 10 exchange students they care for. They help them settle into dorms, teach them about buying cars and opening bank accounts, take them to festivals and museums.
"They have no one," Joan Kleine said. "They're by themselves and they need help."
Most refer to the Kleines as "Mom" and "Dad." Gu called Glen Kleine "Pop."
Gu's parents, in the northeastern Chinese city of Wushun, are separated, and her grandmother, to whom she was quite close, is seriously ill.
"I can't imagine what it would be like to to have your child gone for three years and get a call like this," said Joan Kleine. "It would be devastating."
Dolores Madrid-Couch, president of the International Student Association at EKU, said a memorial service will be held for Gu, but the date has not been set. The association also hopes to set up a scholarship fund in her name.
标 题: 我想说的一些细节
昨天知道的消息, 悲愤不已。
张是我们的好朋友,他曾经是一个非常爽朗的人,非常节俭, 但对别人很慷慨。
去年九十月间,他认识了顾。 顾认识张的师姐,托她给自己介绍男朋友。
交往之初, 顾对张说, 她马上要毕业了,还没有工作,所以想找男朋友结婚, 生孩子 。我们大家曾反对他们的交往,因为觉得顾太功利。张没有听。
张是个外向的人,感情问题经常和朋友说。 他曾提及,这个顾妹妹,比较强悍,经常和他吵架。 有时候是张在实验室工作很累,她打个电话把他叫来,让他给自己洗衣服。有时候张从实验室回来没有吃晚饭,她问也不问,叫张带她去gym.他们去夏威夷旅游,是张花了所有的旅费。在夏威夷,顾看中一件top, 75刀,一顶帽子,50刀,顾想也不想,就叫张买给她。而此时的顾,已经毕业,处于opt状态,自己的收入靠在餐馆打工,花销基本上来自张的奖学金。顾随后提出找工作,去纽约和芝加哥的旅费全部是张出。而这些所谓的面试,最后都没了下文。
今年四月,是我们最后一次见到张。张那时已经决定和顾分手。他那时正在准备博士资格考试,而已经在芝加哥的顾,在张考试的前几天,不断打电话给张,要生活费,还骂张没用。张关闭手机,不再接顾的电话,写信说分手。张考完试的心情非常不好, 来我们这里散心。说已经决定分手,给我们讲过他们的交往琐事。我们曾规劝他一刀两断,并且不要在经济上和顾有纠缠,张说,她一个女孩子很可怜,我能帮她还是要帮她,钱以后是可以挣回来的。而此时的张,银行已经没有什么存款,还向我们打听银行贷款事宜。
张和顾分手,还有另外的原因。是因为顾在张面前不止一次流露对自己母亲的不屑,因为她的母亲,没有什么社会地位,在东北做小买卖给她攒学费。 她非常想成为一个美国人,她不情愿告诉别人她来自中国。
发信人: shbva
标 题: 哀悼Re: 我想说的一些细节
已经很久没有见到张栋了, 也至少一个半月没有接过他的电话了, 也只是在一个月左
右之前听我们共同的朋友熟人提过他。 当再次听到他时, 他的名字却和一宗“失踪案”
联系在一起; 没过两个小时, 又是听说那个失踪的女孩的尸体被找到了。 再接着, 就
是听说张栋被拘禁, 而且媒体的报导也对他越来越不利。
这几天以来, 我一直在试图冷静地想:到底发生了什么事? 每每想到张栋, 我看到的
都是他从刚由国内来到UK而且一直保持着的那一副朴实, 友好,热情, 乐观, 开朗,
大度, 自信, 聪明, 向上, 朝气蓬勃的面孔。 想起他点点滴滴的好, 伤感就不断地
涌上心来。 多希望再能看到他憨憨的笑, 听听他开朗的声音。
痛悔为什么自己没有与他更多地沟通? 更加痛恨张栋为什么没能早早醒悟, 以致让自己
越陷越深? 张栋原可以有很好的前途。
女孩已经死了, 人死不能复生, 只能祝愿她的家人能够接受这一事实, 好好地生活下
去。 我更加希望张栋若能躲过此一劫, 将来回复本性, 坚强勇敢地做人, 为社会作出
很多很多的贡献。 我希望, 不论结果如何, 张栋都要勇敢真诚地面对自己, 亲朋,
和社会, 作一个他坚定信念中的负责的人。
(附: 现任美国总统夫人劳拉布什年轻时曾不慎开车撞死了她的前男友。)
发信人: cathymouse
标 题: The story I know about gu and zhang
This girl is the worst that I have heard and seen in my whole life. It is
nothing wrong for girls to find husbands with money and green card. the wrong
is she should not use the naive boy again and again. She made him spent all
his graduate stipend for her living, and the guy even borrowed from his
friends to meet the girl's need.The cost is more than $10,000 now.Can you
imagine this for a Chinese graduate studying in US? How he survived all the
torture the girl gave him. It is obvious that graduate cannot make a lot of
money as people who work for companies. So she should realize at the very
beginning that Zhang may not be the kind she wanted. But she found he loved
her, so deeply. So she used him to give her money for her rent in KU, her rent
in Chicago, her expense of living, her expense of travelling and touring the
US. But she knew he loved her, he would not say no and she could still spit on
his face. This is girl who died. I did not say she deserved it, but I will
never pity on her and girls of such a kind.
发信人: 这个写的有点道理
1。预谋杀人 这种情况下一般应该准备好逃跑路线或者制造对自己有利的证据。可是张的
2。冲动杀人 张的做法更是莫名其妙,杀人后瞬间冷静下来,巴巴地跑到印弟安那埋尸体
附:当地报纸新闻Spurned proposals possible clue to slaying
By Peter Mathews And Delano Massey
RICHMOND - A former Eastern Kentucky University exchange student who is thought to have been strangled had recently rejected two marriage proposals from her boyfriend, who is now charged with murder.
But the host family for 24-year-old Yan Gu said they do not know whether the spurned proposals led to Gu's death.
Glen Kleine, a former dean of fine arts and technology at Eastern Kentucky University, and his wife, Joan, befriended Gu when the Chinese graduate student attended EKU. Kleine is a volunteer adviser to the university's International Student Association.
"We'll miss her so," Joan Kleine said yesterday. "She was a sweet girl. She did not deserve that."
Friends of both Gu and her boyfriend, Dong Zhang, say the killing is inexplicable.
According to court documents, Zhang, who reported her missing earlier this month, has confessed to the killing. Last week, he led authorities to a shallow grave in an Indiana cornfield.
A University of Kentucky graduate research assistant, Zhang attempted to commit suicide Monday at the Fayette County jail and was rushed to UK Hospital. Yesterday a UK Hospital official said there was no patient there by that name.
In Indiana, Jackson County Coroner Andy Rumph confirmed yesterday that the victim had been strangled. Authorities are awaiting dental records before making a final determination as to her identity.
But the Kleines and Gu's friends have little doubt that the woman they called "Irene" was the victim.
"We feel in all honesty that she's gone," said Glen Kleine. "But the thought of her still is alive in us."
Loved cooking, yard sales
Gu, 24, enrolled at EKU for the spring 2002 semester as part of an exchange program with Liaoning Institute of Technology in northeastern China.
Gu's friends say she had a vibrant personality but often kept her to herself. She loved to cook and go to yard sales. And she was headstrong: Ignoring the Kleines' advice, she once cajoled her EKU adviser into letting her take more courses than allowed under her graduate assistantship.
At EKU, she graded papers, worked in the statistics lab and helped tutor students in accounting, Glen Kleine said. She earned her master's in business administration in December and moved to Chicago in January.
The Kleines met her boy-friend three times and say he was very quiet and unassuming.
The couple planned to attend a conference this fall in Boston, where Zhang, who had been doing some promising research on breast cancer, was to deliver a paper.
Yu Huang, now a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Wisconsin, said he and Zhang shared a dorm room for four years as undergraduates in China. He called the news of Zhang's arrest "shocking and unbelievable."
"He's very gentle to ladies -- it's even too much," Huang said. "He's kind of famous for his gentle ways."
Zhang, 24, apparently spent a lot of money on Gu -- taking her on a post-graduation trip to Hawaii and Washington, D.C., lending her money, helping her move.
"The girl spent a lot of money," Huang said. "When she was staying in Chicago, all of this money was paid for by my friend.
"He didn't complain a lot about that. He would say, 'Money, you can earn, but your girlfriend is the most important thing.'"
An extradition hearing for Zhang has been scheduled for Tuesday. A court in Illinois set his bail at $1 million.
According to court documents, Zhang "admitted to falsely reporting a missing-persons report on his girlfriend" and "stated he intentionally placed evidence to mislead police."
More like parents
The Kleines are more like parents than friends to the eight or 10 exchange students they care for. They help them settle into dorms, teach them about buying cars and opening bank accounts, take them to festivals and museums.
"They have no one," Joan Kleine said. "They're by themselves and they need help."
Most refer to the Kleines as "Mom" and "Dad." Gu called Glen Kleine "Pop."
Gu's parents, in the northeastern Chinese city of Wushun, are separated, and her grandmother, to whom she was quite close, is seriously ill.
"I can't imagine what it would be like to to have your child gone for three years and get a call like this," said Joan Kleine. "It would be devastating."
Dolores Madrid-Couch, president of the International Student Association at EKU, said a memorial service will be held for Gu, but the date has not been set. The association also hopes to set up a scholarship fund in her name.