
最初由 msft 发布

1) Liberal将受NDP的牵制. 加国将可能更加社会主义,更加压榨中产阶级. 这要考验PM的智慧了.
2) 都是省自由党执政不久, 魁省人民显然比安省人民有主见 -- 宁要魁独, 也不要腐败. 事实上, 魁人党的大胜将给魁省带来极大利益.

1) Even with NDP, Liberal is still 1 vote short of majority 135+19=154, is it ?

2) Quebecer are usually election smart. Canada will never become as rich as US, as long as 25% of its MP are from Quebec. I am a supporter of Quebec indendence, a Quebec-less Canada is a better Canada.
最初由 小傻 发布

It is ideal to have a Liberal minority government...the result is just perfect :)

A minority government, theriotically, is not a stable government. Wait and see how this country will be managed in the next 4 years ( If the L government can survive that long.)

Government employees should be happy with this result because with L's track record, they should feel safe for another 4 years. ;)
最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

I am a supporter of Quebec indendence, a Quebec-less Canada is a better Canada.

啉?激烈 明星候啉人互有起落

在新斯高沙省 Kings-Hants 啉?,原由保守?布纫森 Scott Brison代表。但在保守?陪?盟?合?後,呃位保守??唯一的同性?阻?弈投自由?,?以自由?身份?啉。

咸美钅??啉情激烈的啉?,一是咸美钅??及石溪啉?,由交通部樘攘里瑞(Tony Valeri)呗任。他陪新民主?候啉人因票?接近一直呈拉??,但最後以些微差距胝?。??提名?,他?前祖裔部樘仙力金??,杂多仙力金支持者因此弈投新民主??_I。

但是在咸美钅中?,??部樘基斯(Stan Keyes)就?此哕?,?於新民主?克里斯多弗咪手下。


多?多西北的馘钅西?(Brampton West),前安省徐生?樘克里蒙特(Tony Clement)再度落?。他在去年省啉中落?後,今年?啉新保守??魁?又?於哈帕之手,?是三度落?。

原?在多?多被帐??有可能?保守??取席位的有?位前安省保守?政府?樘:?河谷??的前教育?樘擎森(David Johnson),及?河谷西?的前工?及革新?樘唐博_??avid Turn-bull),劫果?人都落?。

由於多?多 416 啉?除新民主?钌袖林钅?啉外,其他全是自由?天下,因此原?被帐?危胝的自由?人如多元文化部樘?古斯汀、及??阻?文?莉等均呗任。

褚田?理在多?多俭克中?空降的明星候啉人,前冰球明星德纫登蒺易??。渥太攘中??由新民主?的前?魁布?本特(Ed.Broadbent) ?取。69 ?的布?本特是退休後再出山。

另外在渥太攘南?,省樘??迪的弟弟大徐‧??迪?啉。但是加拿大见?人?盟前主席吝馘咪(Walter Robinson)代表保守?在渥太攘 - ?呗斯啉??啉,?於自由?手下。

被帐?大?的保守?候啉人史擎娜(Belinda Stronach)在新市 NewMarket-Aurora)啉?胝?。同?前安省保守?副主席范?(PeterVan Loan)於辛可啉??啉,?保守??得一席。

在?尼托巴省,?地唯一攘人??阻??鼎?(Inky Mark)蒺易呗任。他以 54.52% 的咿半?啉票?啉。

沙斯卡其旺前保守?省樘狄凡(Grant Devine)此次以?立候啉人身份?啉落啉。前?尼辟市樘(Glen Murray)是褚田?定的明星候啉人,但?於保守?弗纫?之手。

?省艾蒙钅中?的副?理?克李添(Anne McLellan)一向是颇苦??,呃一次又以些微之差胝?。
最初由 msft 发布

Government employees should be happy with this result because with L's track record, they should feel safe for another 4 years. ;)

Good for them then :)

I voted for liberal and it is good to see they won.

Ottawa West-Nepean

Ottawa West-Nepean
2004 Candidates

GRN: Neil Adair
MP: Russell Barth
CON: Sean Casey
LIB: Marlene Catterall (X)
CAP: Mary-Sue Haliburton
MLP: Alexandre Legeais
NDP: Marlene Rivier

Riding Profile

This urban riding along the shores of the Ottawa River and Lac Deschenes takes in a lot of what was the city of Nepean, now part of Ottawa.

Its boundaries are Riddell Drive, March Valley Road, Herzberg Road and March Road in the west, Highway 417, Richmond Road and the CN line in the south and Rideau River, Baseline Road, Merivale Road, Highway 417 and Sherbourne Road in the east. It includes the Bayshore, Crystal Beach, Crystal Bay, Britannia, Carlington and Lincoln Heights districts.

Dwellings are almost equally split between rentals and owned. The federal government is the largest employer. Average family income is $76,580 and unemployment is 6.8 per cent. More than 28 per cent of residents are immigrants with significant Italian and Chinese communities.

In 2004, small areas of Nepean-Carleton and Lanark-Carleton have been added. Ottawa West-Nepean was created in 1996 from 72 per cent of Ottawa West and 46 per cent of Nepean.

Population: 103,870
Ottawa Centre

Ottawa Centre
2004 Candidates

NDP: Ed Broadbent (X)
GRN: David Chernushenko
CAP: Carla Marie Dancey
MP: Michael Foster
IND: Robert G. Gauthier
ML: Louis Lang
LIB: Richard Mahoney
CON: Mike Murphy
COM: Stuart Ryan

Riding Profile

This urban Ottawa riding contains the city's downtown core, many government offices and Parliament Hill.

It stretches from the Ottawa River in the north to the Rideau River in the south between Shelbourne Road, Maitland Avenue, Merivale Road and Fisher Avenue in west and Nicholas Street in east. It includes the residential areas of Westboro, Highland Park, McKellar Park and Westboro Beach as well as Carleton University.

Renters outnumber homeowners 62 per cent to 38 per cent. More than 34 per cent of the population have university degrees. The public service is the main employer. Average family income is $84,956 and the unemployment rate is 6.8 per cent.

There are significant Italian, Chinese and Vietnamese communities. According to 2001 census, 9.7 per cent of the population lists French as their mother tongue and 24 per cent are immigrants.

There was no change in the riding in 2004. Ottawa Centre was created in 1966. In 1996, portions of Ottawa West and Ottawa-Vanier were absorbed by Ottawa Centre.

Population: 113,662
Re: Re: 值得思考一下

最初由 手术刀 发布



“跟上主流民意”??跟主流、傍大户、赌谁赢.... 这是民主政治么?这不恰恰就是“明显中国传统社会的偏见和陋习”么?






Uneven Stephen

Well, that was quick. Less than 24 hours after coming second in the federal election, Conservative leader Stephen Harper is already hinting he may rethink his position as head of the party.

Harper had boldly predicted a Conservative majority as recently as two weeks ago. But the Canadian electorate ? especially those in the eastern part of the country - quickly brought him down to earth Monday night, with a stunning slap in the face, and 99 seats.

Now he’s already begun pondering his future. “I'm always willing to serve,” he responds when asked about his future. “So I'm going to take a little bit of time with my family. And obviously I'm already talking to people across the country.”

He's already begun to chat with party members about his term, and claims he'll make a final decision before the end of the summer.

Harper took over the unified right amidst some still smouldering resentment from disgruntled Alliance and Progressive Conservative members. Despite former P.C. boss Peter MacKay promising he wouldn't unite the right, the two entities merged last year. But the union wasn’t without its troubles.

Former Prime Minister and longtime Tory Joe Clark actually urged voters to cast their ballots for the Liberals, rather than let an unknown quantity rule in Ottawa.

The divisions didn’t help the party, but a confident Harper carried on. Until, this is, Monday night, when the long divisions were finally multiplied at the ballot box.

June 29, 2004
Power Play

Paul Martin likes the toy of government, and he has no plans to share it with his fellow playmates.

The returning Prime Minister has boldly made it clear he has no plans to try and form a coalition government to keep his new minority afloat.

“I believe that I do have the required mandate,” he proclaims during an Ottawa news conference on Tuesday. “We do have a stable minority government, and the other political parties have all set health as one of their concerns or priorities.”

Martin believes his policies will stand the scrutiny of other MPs, despite his diminished numbers. And his priorities haven’t changed, after Monday’s outcome.

“Essentially we will be looking at the program that we went to the Canadian people with in terms of health care, in terms of child care, in terms of our senior citizens and obviously in terms of the whole municipal file, but that's essentially what we will be working on.”

Martin hasn’t spoken to N.D.P. leader Jack Layton other than to congratulate him on his win. And he doesn’t expect obstacles - like his plan to cooperate on missile defence with the U.S. - will stop the pair from getting along.

The P.M. agrees scandal was responsible for destroying his majority. “There is no doubt that the sponsorship file played a huge role in what happened,” he admits. “However, we are now the government, and it's a government that has to represent all regions of Canada.”

But he denies worrying about the prospect of Quebec separation with the Bloc in firm control. “We're going to have a responsibility to explain our policies to Quebecers,” he concedes. “But as you know, I have always been very open to Quebec, and I will continue to be so.”

Martin won’t face his first big test until Parliament resumes. That’s not expected to happen until sometime in September.
最初由 ↑↑↑ 发布
:lookaroun 一些人在大选前说了很多,我只是想知道他们现在想些什么,对比并思考一下还是很有些意味的。不是吗?
Re: Re: Re: 值得思考一下

最初由 hxp417 发布


“跟上主流民意”??跟主流、傍大户、赌谁赢.... 这是民主政治么?这不恰恰就是“明显中国传统社会的偏见和陋习”么?







Re: Re: Re: Re: 值得思考一下

最初由 jack 发布

