最初由 WXH 发布
Thanks. Do you have the URL for the company website or phone number? Thanks again.
最初由 bubblelove 发布
Thanks for introducing, wonder if my bf knows about that
I think this is the website??
tell me if it's wrong
最初由 小傻 发布
Thanks for the info...Do you have their (PC) contact info? :thanks:
最初由 bubblelove 发布
Go there http://www.pcinsurance.ca/
and you can take a look
The service is new, my bf just called them to ask for a quote and to his surprise it's cheap![]()
最初由 WXH 发布
Thanks for all the replies. It helps a lot. I would like to share my research info with you too. So far, I have compared the following companies:
1. Monnex
2. ING (Belair)
3. Personal
4. PC
In my case, the Monnex is the cheapest one.