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靠!刚来的时候,第一次和一个洋妞说"I BEG YOUR PARDON?",人家差点没笑死过去:)


最初由 firestone 发布

靠!刚来的时候,第一次和一个洋妞说"I BEG YOUR PARDON?",人家差点没笑死过去:)




我帮你把"I BEG YOUR PARDON"的笑话转到"语海拾贝"里去了,那好久不见个新贴子.似乎大家英语学的都很好.那么好个田,都快给荒废了.




我帮你把"I BEG YOUR PARDON"的笑话转到"语海拾贝"里去了,那好久不见个新贴子.似乎大家英语学的都很好.
最初由 firestone 发布

靠!刚来的时候,第一次和一个洋妞说"I BEG YOUR PARDON?",人家差点没笑死过去:)


我的高中同学都这么说, 这叫做"教养"
最初由 firestone 发布

靠!刚来的时候,第一次和一个洋妞说"I BEG YOUR PARDON?",人家差点没笑死过去:)



最初由 京华倦客 发布
我的高中同学都这么说, 这叫做"教养"

最初由 Apple 发布









具体论述我也说不清,只说一个事实 --- 和鬼佬男子拍拖的国女不少。和鬼妹拍拖的中国男士我到现在还没见过一个。


Professional point of view of interracial marriage

送交者: ben123 2004年6月03日23:55:04 于 [卑诗华人社区]http://www.bbsland.com

回 答: 种族之间通婚本身不可非议,第一代移民却不应该提倡 由 中山王 于 2004年6月02日15:55:46:

I used to be a psychiatrist in China, and have done internship in public health organization dealing with marriage crisis of minority population. From what I have learned, including from media and the live show among my friends here in US, I tend to be more pessimistic on interracial marriage.


1. Caucasian males usually do not mind dating with Chinese females, but only 5% (if not less) out of them would step on red carpet.
2. Out of those marriages, 20%(if not less) would last longer than 5 years.

This is why:

1. Most of the Caucasian males who dated Chinese girl are just trying to explore some thing different, like “Alice in the wonder land”. They usually don't particularly care about the culture (of course, some of them do). Thanks to the Japanese porn industry, those men are sexually attracted by the oriental women, by their body, their accent, even their different moan during intercourse. It is the common sense that marriage could barely based on sex, this is why so few of Caucasian men would marry Chinese women while so many still date them.

2. For those Caucasian males who end up marriage with Chinese females, they are sort of different in term of personality comparing to mean index of population. They tend to be “weak”. They are not necessarily weak in body, but they are usually quiet, shy, sort of wimpy, could not or would not “handle” the Caucasian female. So it does not take a genius to figure out what kind of women could be eligible for their dream wives: quiet, gentle, tender, tame, dependent, and so on so forth. The image of classic Chinese women meets their expectation well. Unfortunately, when you take a look at those girls who “dare” to marry a white guy, you will find it is hard to put these two ends together. Those girls usually are brave, self-centered, demanded, independent and ambitious. The reasons they end up with a Caucasian guy are either they want more than Chinese guys could offer or Chinese guys feel uncomfortable with them because the traits mentioned above. Please note, Chinese guys dare not marry those women other than would not marry them.

3. From those successful interracial marriage, you would find that wives are usually those who are marginalized by Chinese guys, in other words, they are less sexual attractive, they are elder, or not that good looking or have children with them. So those wives are not the same species with the girls I mentioned above, once they are married, regardless of the race of their husbands, they are all set, cause they tend to meet whatever the expectation of their husbands, including their Caucasian husbands.

Of course what I have said is based on sort of big statistical picture. I would love to discuss this issue in academic way. Please don’t argue with me by using individual data.

Just my 2 cents.
最初由 hxp417 发布







具体论述我也说不清,只说一个事实 --- 和鬼佬男子拍拖的国女不少。和鬼妹拍拖的中国男士我到现在还没见过一个。


Professional point of view of interracial marriage

送交者: ben123 2004年6月03日23:55:04 于 [卑诗华人社区]http://www.bbsland.com

回 答: 种族之间通婚本身不可非议,第一代移民却不应该提倡 由 中山王 于 2004年6月02日15:55:46:

I used to be a psychiatrist in China, and have done internship in public health organization dealing with marriage crisis of minority population. From what I have learned, including from media and the live show among my friends here in US, I tend to be more pessimistic on interracial marriage.


1. Caucasian males usually do not mind dating with Chinese females, but only 5% (if not less) out of them would step on red carpet.
2. Out of those marriages, 20%(if not less) would last longer than 5 years.

This is why:

1. Most of the Caucasian males who dated Chinese girl are just trying to explore some thing different, like “Alice in the wonder land”. They usually don't particularly care about the culture (of course, some of them do). Thanks to the Japanese porn industry, those men are sexually attracted by the oriental women, by their body, their accent, even their different moan during intercourse. It is the common sense that marriage could barely based on sex, this is why so few of Caucasian men would marry Chinese women while so many still date them.

2. For those Caucasian males who end up marriage with Chinese females, they are sort of different in term of personality comparing to mean index of population. They tend to be “weak”. They are not necessarily weak in body, but they are usually quiet, shy, sort of wimpy, could not or would not “handle” the Caucasian female. So it does not take a genius to figure out what kind of women could be eligible for their dream wives: quiet, gentle, tender, tame, dependent, and so on so forth. The image of classic Chinese women meets their expectation well. Unfortunately, when you take a look at those girls who “dare” to marry a white guy, you will find it is hard to put these two ends together. Those girls usually are brave, self-centered, demanded, independent and ambitious. The reasons they end up with a Caucasian guy are either they want more than Chinese guys could offer or Chinese guys feel uncomfortable with them because the traits mentioned above. Please note, Chinese guys dare not marry those women other than would not marry them.

3. From those successful interracial marriage, you would find that wives are usually those who are marginalized by Chinese guys, in other words, they are less sexual attractive, they are elder, or not that good looking or have children with them. So those wives are not the same species with the girls I mentioned above, once they are married, regardless of the race of their husbands, they are all set, cause they tend to meet whatever the expectation of their husbands, including their Caucasian husbands.

Of course what I have said is based on sort of big statistical picture. I would love to discuss this issue in academic way. Please don’t argue with me by using individual data.

Just my 2 cents.

最初由 hxp417 发布







具体论述我也说不清,只说一个事实 --- 和鬼佬男子拍拖的国女不少。和鬼妹拍拖的中国男士我到现在还没见过一个。


Professional point of view of interracial marriage

送交者: ben123 2004年6月03日23:55:04 于 [卑诗华人社区]http://www.bbsland.com

回 答: 种族之间通婚本身不可非议,第一代移民却不应该提倡 由 中山王 于 2004年6月02日15:55:46:

I used to be a psychiatrist in China, and have done internship in public health organization dealing with marriage crisis of minority population. From what I have learned, including from media and the live show among my friends here in US, I tend to be more pessimistic on interracial marriage.


1. Caucasian males usually do not mind dating with Chinese females, but only 5% (if not less) out of them would step on red carpet.
2. Out of those marriages, 20%(if not less) would last longer than 5 years.

This is why:

1. Most of the Caucasian males who dated Chinese girl are just trying to explore some thing different, like “Alice in the wonder land”. They usually don't particularly care about the culture (of course, some of them do). Thanks to the Japanese porn industry, those men are sexually attracted by the oriental women, by their body, their accent, even their different moan during intercourse. It is the common sense that marriage could barely based on sex, this is why so few of Caucasian men would marry Chinese women while so many still date them.

2. For those Caucasian males who end up marriage with Chinese females, they are sort of different in term of personality comparing to mean index of population. They tend to be “weak”. They are not necessarily weak in body, but they are usually quiet, shy, sort of wimpy, could not or would not “handle” the Caucasian female. So it does not take a genius to figure out what kind of women could be eligible for their dream wives: quiet, gentle, tender, tame, dependent, and so on so forth. The image of classic Chinese women meets their expectation well. Unfortunately, when you take a look at those girls who “dare” to marry a white guy, you will find it is hard to put these two ends together. Those girls usually are brave, self-centered, demanded, independent and ambitious. The reasons they end up with a Caucasian guy are either they want more than Chinese guys could offer or Chinese guys feel uncomfortable with them because the traits mentioned above. Please note, Chinese guys dare not marry those women other than would not marry them.

3. From those successful interracial marriage, you would find that wives are usually those who are marginalized by Chinese guys, in other words, they are less sexual attractive, they are elder, or not that good looking or have children with them. So those wives are not the same species with the girls I mentioned above, once they are married, regardless of the race of their husbands, they are all set, cause they tend to meet whatever the expectation of their husbands, including their Caucasian husbands.

Of course what I have said is based on sort of big statistical picture. I would love to discuss this issue in academic way. Please don’t argue with me by using individual data.

Just my 2 cents.

1) 我见到的移民(不是CBC)女性交白人男性基本上是2婚头多
2) 正如你讲的正真结婚并长久的聊聊无几。
3) 到是亚洲男子和白人女性结婚的, 我认识的5对(我的自己周围的朋友, 最短结婚至今也有7个年头了)就1对在孩子长大后各自回自己的祖国分开的, 其他都很好。

我认为从根本意义上讲白人男人对家庭的正真的内涵和深度都不如亚裔男人,当地的人不如移民, 这观念和想法可能与文化背景和生活环境有着不可分割的内在联系。




最初由 Apple 发布




我倒觉得那个所谓的心理学家满脑子意淫。 :smokin: