急问, 持B2飞美,如果拿2个32kg的大箱子,是否会被拒绝入关?

最初由 twilight 发布
Thanks for everyone!

唉, 可是我还是不知道到底可以不可以. 马上就要飞了. 行李都不知道怎么收拾.

Do not worry about it.

In Ottawa airport, you check in first. If you have no guns in your luggage, the airpline will take care of it. And then you'll talk to officer without luggage. If you reply the questions in truth, do not try something stupid, you'll enjoy your trip!
最初由 March 发布

查了一下,你和吝宏哌说对了。 祝楼主运气好。

Very glad to hear the good news! I am relieved now.
最初由 twilight 发布
感觉上,security和immigration应该是分开的.我和immigration officer面谈的时候,应该是手中只有一个手提. immigration officer应该不会问到我带了多少行李. 可是第一次飞美,不知道具体是什么情况. 不敢冒险.请问最近持B2飞美国的朋友,实际情况是怎样的.我带2个大箱子托运是否有问题?


depends. according to what you said in the past, you had 30% to get rejected, 50% to get only 30 day status. only 20% to get 6 month stay.
最初由 visitor 发布



I had seen many clients with trouble too. there are many Legal and Normal things you should not bring. You really have to carefully prepare everything, especially after March 2003, Iraqi War
最初由 visitor 发布

你说的是去除美国以外的地方吧? 去美国和美国以外的地方不一样,几年前的事,记不太清了。不过,还是那个问题,如果有一位被拒绝入境,从已经上机的行李里找出这位的行李,实在太困难了,整个航班都要延误。



seen similar case before. even he tells the truth at the first place, he will be rejected more than 40%.

the trick is not telling the truth but telling what they like to hear with SKILLS.

telling things without backups is stupid
最初由 twilight 发布

Very glad to hear the good news! I am relieved now.

officially, you will be questioned twice. the officers don't communicate with each other very much unless you are in trouble.

you didn't say how long you are going to stay and why you go there. from what you said, i bet you will forget to bring something very important.
你又在提那些所谓legal, normal但是不能带的东西了。 要么你就告诉大家到底是什么,要么干脆别提。为什么搞得这么神秘?对别人有任何帮助吗?
Re: Re: 急问, 持B2飞美,如果拿2个32kg的大箱子,是否会被拒绝入关?

最初由 chinadian 发布

depends. according to what you said in the past, you had 30% to get rejected, 50% to get only 30 day status. only 20% to get 6 month stay.

"what you said", 什么意思? 我什么时候说过这样的话?
根据大家的回复,可以肯定过immigration时,手中只有carry-on. 唯一不确定的就是,immigration officer有无可能会抽查行李. 大家知道吗?
最初由 twilight 发布
根据大家的回复,可以肯定过immigration时,手中只有carry-on. 唯一不确定的就是,immigration officer有无可能会抽查行李. 大家知道吗?

I don't know about the new Ottawa Airport, but I have passed Toronto many many times and there you have to carry all your luggage when pass through US Immigration.

NEVER ever take any unnecessary risk with Immigration (US or other countries). Especially don't do it just to save petty money. Leave your garbage (sorry for the word) alone in Ottawa. Don't invite extra suspection. Let your friend mail to you after you settled in US, if just winter clothes, buy it in US.