最初由 iron tiger 发布
I personally assumed that the Xiahun's comments are not quite fair to Lilycat.
At first, Lilycat has had taken a lot of time in working on this sale. She must have also costed a lot including time and money in shopping for these stuff. On the other hand, the money Lilycat had had paid for these stuff in the past is supposed to be of interest. As you all have know, time is money. Therefore, even if the price Lilycat listed as she wants to sell these stuff had been higher than the Lilycat's previous payment, it would have been fair. At most, it could be called a commercial activity, which seems to me that it has been quite normal commercial perfomance.
In one word, Lilycat should sell her stuff in higher rate of the price she had had paid with her money since she has had spended a lot her time and energy on these stuff, which should be worth more, as the followings:
Value of commodity = money + time = more money
which reflects normal activities of society.
Moreover, I personally admire Lilycat's excellent personal character, which is honest, at least, and her positive attitude, as well as her strong ability to face with a crisis.
The conclusion: Xiahun is suggested to apologize to Lilycat for her unfair comments on Lilycat's honest perfomance.