
最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

Everyone's first choice is US, and second choice is Canada. Not a single person I know will go to Europe if they can come to North America.

最初由 江枫渔火 发布


中文报纸上,henry 移民每周都大广告,英国移民9个月办成,,等俺在加拿大没驴骑了,俺就办英国移民:mad:
最初由 rchland 发布

Europe is of course worse than North America. Otherwise most White people will go back.

Do you know what are those immigrants from?
最初由 rchland 发布

And there are several million German and Dutch in Canada. There are still German newspaper published in southern Ontario.

I don't know about Dutch, but those German, i think it's a historical problem.
Yes, cuz there is a city called Berlin there. haha .
最初由 stjoseph 发布

不知道真什么好?,好歹我?中?人也是有?磲年文化的民族,哦,大概?不是,SRY 噢。
最初由 stjoseph 发布

哈哈。 那倒是噢。
最初由 江枫渔火 发布

You and upstairs are losers twice:

1. While in China, you couldn't come to North America (and even Australia) because your TOEFL score was awful, so have to go to Europe.

2. In Canada, a country with one of the best economy in the world, you couldn't find a job, and whining and complaining day and night.

Trust me, you will be a loser too if you go back to China or come to US. You won't be succssful in your life anywhere, it's in your gene, it's part of you, just admit that and you will be at peace.
最初由 小傻 发布

中文报纸上,henry 移民每周都大广告,英国移民9个月办成,,等俺在加拿大没驴骑了,俺就办英国移民:mad:

同去同去,要是在西欧国家能找到类似于现在的工作,我 更愿意住在 欧洲。:)
最初由 Xiaomimi 发布
Well, all I know is, in my Chinese university, only those classmates and colleagues who couldn't pass TOEFL and GRE, went to Europe. And people felt sorry for them and some even looked down upon them (that I don't agree, European is human, too).

Everyone's first choice is US, and second choice is Canada. Not a single person I know will go to Europe if they can come to North America.


最初由 rchland 发布

You and upstairs are losers twice:

1. While in China, you couldn't come to North America (and even Australia) because your TOEFL score was awful, so have to go to Europe.

2. In Canada, a country with one of the best economy in the world, you couldn't find a job, and whining and complaining day and night.

Trust me, you will be a loser too if you go back to China or come to US. You won't be succssful in your life anywhere, it's in your gene, it's part of you, just admit that and you will be at peace.

你丫这号,睁着眼睛说糊话的,活得可是真累 !

别以为你在加拿大混了几年,在P大的公司混,就不是LOSER了。如果你来加拿大5年或以上,在加拿大混得也就是一房一车的话,连别墅和游艇都没有的话,你也是个LOSER !



生活质量有不同的看法. 主要是物质和文化,另外就是某些人最看中的大爷的感觉(成就感).

有些东西没法比,但物质可以. 欧洲的物价的确是高,高不少.税也不低. 当然个别国家的收入是很高的,但不普遍.

我记得以前在另外一个板块也说过关于欧洲的问题。每个人都有自己的经历。是的,我也很喜欢夏日晚上在欧洲石头铺成的路上喝啤酒,也喜欢Effel tower的雄伟,凯旋门的气派,更欣赏德国发达的国家建设,其火车的准点能力的确令人赞叹。不过就如同有些人说的那样,欧洲是欧洲人的欧洲。我比较愚昧,不能完全理解欧洲的历史,更欣赏不了她所谓的文化。我只觉得在加拿大生活更惬意一点(尽管在欧洲的时候不需要为钱担心,而现在则在自己养活自己)。说到工资,别的不知道,当年经济booming的时候,欧洲的工资普遍比北美低,现在也是如此。欧洲的物价也比这里高。当然各国都不一样,比如法国的物价比德国低,比利时就还要低一点。荷兰东西也比较贵。现在实行欧元了,也许物价就更高了。
最初由 小傻 发布

