rumor: Nortel to cut cost and layoff R&D?


To cut cost in Nortel, from what I hear a lot of R&D is about to be slashed. Up to 10% of the corporation and 20% of R&D is to go? any inside confirmation
Here are some observation

(1) There is a strict hiring freeze that is the result of house-cleaning related to the accounting scandle, which is supposed to have some sort of conclusion in late summer.
(2) There are lots of project is serverly short of people. But can not hire more.
(3) Customer demand for the last 3Q is "run-away" up from past 3 years
(4) On average, every mid-to-senior internal job posting get 30-40 applications (i.e. people want to move)
(5) more more job goes to China and India. But some do come back (but rare). There is currently a HUGE program to move GSM R&D to India.

So now you decide...
Nortel hired many new graduates in March...
最初由 阿童木 发布
Here are some observation

(5) more more job goes to China and India. But some do come back (but rare). There is currently a HUGE program to move GSM R&D to India.

So now you decide...
Are these GSM R&D mainly based on Ottawa now?
Eventually, all jobs go to India. It is only a matter of time.
I believe it is not difficult for most people to read some RFCs
and do the design/coding/testing.
最初由 gdntfrank 发布
Eventually, all jobs go to India. It is only a matter of time.

Does that mean all people in US and Canada will move to India eventually? ;)
最初由 Jet999 发布
Nortel hired many new graduates in March...

30 altogether. Although I know 6 of them personally.
最初由 阿童木 发布
Here are some observation

(1) There is a strict hiring freeze that is the result of house-cleaning related to the accounting scandle, which is supposed to have some sort of conclusion in late summer.
(2) There are lots of project is serverly short of people. But can not hire more.
(3) Customer demand for the last 3Q is "run-away" up from past 3 years
(4) On average, every mid-to-senior internal job posting get 30-40 applications (i.e. people want to move)
(5) more more job goes to China and India. But some do come back (but rare). There is currently a HUGE program to move GSM R&D to India.

So now you decide...

I think the only answer is cutting salary and benefits...
Hiring in Canada only happens in Spring time-March. Usually no hiring in summer due to vacation, no hiring in winter due to only snow.
最初由 Jet999 发布
Nortel hired many new graduates in March...
CGI silent on India outsourcereport
CGI Group refused yesterday to confirm a report that said up to 300 Bell Canada technology workers under its control in Montreal would lose their jobs in coming weeks as their jobs are transferred to India.
The professional life in Nortel is so hard, the people there must have strong heart and iron nerves.
最初由 dropinto 发布
The professional life in Nortel is so hard, the people there must have strong heart and iron nerves.
Maybe not too hard for people who have a strong heart and does not care about layoff anymore.
:D :D :D :cool: :cool: :cool: