wuwei 初级会员 VIP 注册 2002-01-30 消息 11,781 荣誉分数 578 声望点数 273 2004-07-17 #11 shoot shoot shoot, gang wu you good busy oh!
G GangW 资深人士 VIP 注册 2004-03-22 消息 2,741 荣誉分数 99 声望点数 208 2004-07-17 #14 最初由 wuwei 发布 shoot shoot shoot, gang wu you good busy oh! 点击展开... Happy birth day, Weiwei. Thanks for comments, shoot, shoot, shoot ... is my full time job. I have to work hard. some more pictures taken this morning at Kanata will be posted. 11, 梳妆。
最初由 wuwei 发布 shoot shoot shoot, gang wu you good busy oh! 点击展开... Happy birth day, Weiwei. Thanks for comments, shoot, shoot, shoot ... is my full time job. I have to work hard. some more pictures taken this morning at Kanata will be posted. 11, 梳妆。
G GangW 资深人士 VIP 注册 2004-03-22 消息 2,741 荣誉分数 99 声望点数 208 2004-07-17 #15 12, this is a barn swallow, it is not easy to take at most of the time. taken at the bridge behind the Alcatel.
12, this is a barn swallow, it is not easy to take at most of the time. taken at the bridge behind the Alcatel.