S serge 新手上路 注册 2004-07-13 消息 21 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-07-17 #16 Excellent! Where did you get so closed to the birds? deer?
G GangW 资深人士 VIP 注册 2004-03-22 消息 2,741 荣誉分数 99 声望点数 208 2004-07-17 #18 最初由 cliffshen 发布 我觉得第二张稍微可惜了一点,不过都非常棒 ^^ 点击展开... Thanks, dliffshen. 13, March road.
G GangW 资深人士 VIP 注册 2004-03-22 消息 2,741 荣誉分数 99 声望点数 208 2004-07-17 #19 最初由 dropinto 发布 那个小鸭子的头发都立起来了 点击展开... Thanks, dropinto. that is a hooded merganser. [鸟]秋沙鸭 14, at the second lane beside the March road this morning.
最初由 dropinto 发布 那个小鸭子的头发都立起来了 点击展开... Thanks, dropinto. that is a hooded merganser. [鸟]秋沙鸭 14, at the second lane beside the March road this morning.
G GangW 资深人士 VIP 注册 2004-03-22 消息 2,741 荣誉分数 99 声望点数 208 2004-07-17 #20 最初由 serge 发布 Excellent! Where did you get so closed to the birds? deer? 点击展开... Thanks, serge. the deers were just beside the March road. 15, a baby deer.
最初由 serge 发布 Excellent! Where did you get so closed to the birds? deer? 点击展开... Thanks, serge. the deers were just beside the March road. 15, a baby deer.
G GangW 资深人士 VIP 注册 2004-03-22 消息 2,741 荣誉分数 99 声望点数 208 2004-07-17 #21 最初由 笨蛋国际 发布 nice~~~~~~~~~~~ 点击展开... Thanks, 笨蛋国际. 16, on March road this morning.
wuwei 初级会员 VIP 注册 2002-01-30 消息 11,781 荣誉分数 578 声望点数 273 2004-07-17 #22 最初由 GangW 发布 Thanks, dropinto. that is a hooded merganser. [鸟]秋沙鸭 14, at the second lane beside the March road this morning. 点击展开... i like this one
最初由 GangW 发布 Thanks, dropinto. that is a hooded merganser. [鸟]秋沙鸭 14, at the second lane beside the March road this morning. 点击展开... i like this one
G GangW 资深人士 VIP 注册 2004-03-22 消息 2,741 荣誉分数 99 声望点数 208 2004-07-17 #23 17, at Elk farm in Kanata this morning.
G GangW 资深人士 VIP 注册 2004-03-22 消息 2,741 荣誉分数 99 声望点数 208 2004-07-17 #24 18, the gold finches are fighting in air. (not easy to be taken) this morning beside March road.