H Helloer 新手上路 注册 2004-01-27 消息 21 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-07-24 #1 请教:去NIAGRA FALLS时,在多伦多怎么走?何处下401再怎么上407?急!多谢!
lifeisfun 本站元老 VIP 注册 2003-03-09 消息 7,349 荣誉分数 1,027 声望点数 373 2004-07-24 #2 最初由 Helloer 发布 请教:去NIAGRA FALLS时,在多伦多怎么走?何处下401再怎么上407?急!多谢! 点击展开... 401 (exit 351) to 427 south, then to QEW, then all the way to the fall. You should get a map and it will tell you how to go there.
最初由 Helloer 发布 请教:去NIAGRA FALLS时,在多伦多怎么走?何处下401再怎么上407?急!多谢! 点击展开... 401 (exit 351) to 427 south, then to QEW, then all the way to the fall. You should get a map and it will tell you how to go there.
H Helloer 新手上路 注册 2004-01-27 消息 21 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-07-24 #3 Re: Re: 请教:去NIAGRA FALLS怎么走? Thx so much!! Yes, I got a map. Just do not know what is the best way to go in Toronto. 401 (exit 351) to 427 south, then to QEW, then all the way to the fall. You should get a map and it will tell you how to go there. [/B][/QUOTE]
Re: Re: 请教:去NIAGRA FALLS怎么走? Thx so much!! Yes, I got a map. Just do not know what is the best way to go in Toronto. 401 (exit 351) to 427 south, then to QEW, then all the way to the fall. You should get a map and it will tell you how to go there. [/B][/QUOTE]
项目部经理 北京城建集团地铁 注册 2003-06-29 消息 2,001 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-07-24 #4 Re: Re: 请教:去NIAGRA FALLS怎么走? 最初由 lifeisfun 发布 401 (exit 351) to 427 south, then to QEW, then all the way to the fall. You should get a map and it will tell you how to go there. 点击展开... 4 ways, 1, 416-401West-404S(DVP)-GARDENER EXPRESS-QEW-420-FALLS 2, 417-7-15-KINGSTON-401-404S-GARDENERS EXPRESS-QEW-420 3, 417-7-TORONTO-407-BURLINGTON-QEW-420-FALLS 4, 416-401-427-QEW-403-HAMILTON-THOUGHOUT THE CITY- LINCION ALEXANDRE PARKWAY-20-QEW-420-FALLS.
Re: Re: 请教:去NIAGRA FALLS怎么走? 最初由 lifeisfun 发布 401 (exit 351) to 427 south, then to QEW, then all the way to the fall. You should get a map and it will tell you how to go there. 点击展开... 4 ways, 1, 416-401West-404S(DVP)-GARDENER EXPRESS-QEW-420-FALLS 2, 417-7-15-KINGSTON-401-404S-GARDENERS EXPRESS-QEW-420 3, 417-7-TORONTO-407-BURLINGTON-QEW-420-FALLS 4, 416-401-427-QEW-403-HAMILTON-THOUGHOUT THE CITY- LINCION ALEXANDRE PARKWAY-20-QEW-420-FALLS.
sean 新手上路 注册 2002-09-16 消息 1,072 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-07-24 #5 Re: Re: 请教:去NIAGRA FALLS怎么走? 最初由 lifeisfun 发布 401 (exit 351) to 427 south, then to QEW, then all the way to the fall. You should get a map and it will tell you how to go there. 点击展开... QEW 走95公里转420,第2个路口右转
Re: Re: 请教:去NIAGRA FALLS怎么走? 最初由 lifeisfun 发布 401 (exit 351) to 427 south, then to QEW, then all the way to the fall. You should get a map and it will tell you how to go there. 点击展开... QEW 走95公里转420,第2个路口右转
lifeisfun 本站元老 VIP 注册 2003-03-09 消息 7,349 荣誉分数 1,027 声望点数 373 2004-07-24 #6 最初由 Helloer 发布 请教:去NIAGRA FALLS时,在多伦多怎么走?何处下401再怎么上407?急!多谢! 点击展开... Or go to Yahoo map, and type your address here and then any hotel address in Niagara fall, it will tell you exactly the direction from Ottawa to Niagara fall.
最初由 Helloer 发布 请教:去NIAGRA FALLS时,在多伦多怎么走?何处下401再怎么上407?急!多谢! 点击展开... Or go to Yahoo map, and type your address here and then any hotel address in Niagara fall, it will tell you exactly the direction from Ottawa to Niagara fall.