My not-so-good-fortune @ 妈的Lake

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 fad
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very good.
You need XB le. :D
最初由 fad 发布
Is this better ?

I suppose you put your picture in dark green narrow frame on the wall in sharp green. Then it is much better. :glowface:
喜欢6:cool: 在拉开点就好了。

最初由 Apple 发布

I suppose you put your picture in dark green narrow frame on the wall in sharp green. Then it is much better. :glowface:

So I should decode this as "God, I really hate that stupid frame". :D Give up guys/gals. Tough audience.
最初由 startrack 发布
喜欢6:cool: 在拉开点就好了。


你们这么一说, 这个边框是不敢再用了.

谢谢DM鼓励, 还得继续努力.
最初由 fad 发布

So I should decode this as "God, I really hate that stupid frame". :D Give up guys/gals. Tough audience.

you got it. :D
最初由 fad 发布

So I should decode this as "God, I really hate that stupid frame". :D Give up guys/gals. Tough audience.

Wrong decoding Perry! :o
I would like to say change the wall from sharp green to white. Keep the others the same. That will be fine. Base on the white wall, you may also use silver (can be light grey to middle grey) as the frame color in stead of dark green. Try one la, if it is good, you might want to use the slim silver frame in the future for FAD.

最初由 小山羊 发布

又是一个眼里不揉沙子的. 哎, 想偷懒用现成的Action, 可是从网上下的都是花里胡哨的, 找不着简单明了的那种(GangW的那个就不错). 接着找 ...
Apple: White background should look better but it's still a bit complicated to my taste. Also the outer frame line is too far away. Don't know how to modify an action yet. Need to experiment more ...
