

母亲不小心摔断了手腕. 昨晚看了急诊. 身份是VISTOR, 没有保险. 不知能否申请医疗援助. 请知道的朋友提供相关的信息. 非常感谢!!!
??看吧... 但我看.. 不太行
没想到会发生意外. 以后一定要买保险. 我没有担保母亲过来. 她有美国绿卡, 买张飞机票就可以过来. 医疗费肯定是天文数字. 我们恐怕是负担不起. 发愁啊...
最初由 bonjour 发布
没想到会发生意外. 以后一定要买保险. 我没有担保母亲过来. 她有美国绿卡, 买张飞机票就可以过来. 医疗费肯定是天文数字. 我们恐怕是负担不起. 发愁啊...

How bad is it? Doctor visit is usually 70-80/visit and XRAY and cast may cost abit but depends on the severity. There is also pain-killer (<50 for a month). But will not be more than 1K or 2K. Is she okay otherwise? (like no head trauma. ..etc.)

Relax, worry about it is not gonna make less AND remeber it is your mom that is in most pain right now (the wound & worry about your cost)!

Cook her more pork bone soup. Good luck!

最初由 阿童木 发布

How bad is it? Doctor visit is usually 70-80/visit and XRAY and cast may cost abit but depends on the severity. There is also pain-killer (<50 for a month). But will not be more than 1K or 2K. Is she okay otherwise? (like no head trauma. ..etc.)

Relax, worry about it is not gonna make less AND remeber it is your mom that is in most pain right now (the wound & worry about your cost)!

Cook her more pork bone soup. Good luck!

Thank you for your advices. My mother also bumped her head and hurt her neck, but not serious. I was told that each doctor visit in the future will cost $250 something since she is not a Canadian citizen or PR. She will also take X-Rays for each doctor visit. the Cost for yesterday includes hospital charges and physician charges, each of which contains many items. I am sure it's not just 1k or 2k.
最初由 bonjour 发布

Thank you for your advices. My mother also bumped her head and hurt her neck, but not serious. I was told that each doctor visit in the future will cost $250 something since she is not a Canadian citizen or PR. She will also take X-Rays for each doctor visit. the Cost for yesterday includes hospital charges and physician charges, each of which contains many items. I am sure it's not just 1k or 2k.

Dont know what to say :( I think $70-$80 was for a walk-in clinic. I did not expecting this much in the hospital. You have my sympathy for the situation.

You know for stuff like simple medical questions or advise you can also call Telehealth Ontario 1-866-797-0000. http://www.health.gov.on.ca/english/public/program/telehealth/telehealth_mn.html A registered nurse will answer most of simple questions and it is free. For drug interactions (like "can she take this while taking that"... you can also directly call a pharmacy to get free info)

Good luck!
最初由 bonjour 发布

Thank you for your advices. My mother also bumped her head and hurt her neck, but not serious. I was told that each doctor visit in the future will cost $250 something since she is not a Canadian citizen or PR. She will also take X-Rays for each doctor visit. the Cost for yesterday includes hospital charges and physician charges, each of which contains many items. I am sure it's not just 1k or 2k.




最初由 bonjour 发布
母亲不小心摔断了手腕. 昨晚看了急诊. 身份是VISTOR, 没有保险. 不知能否申请医疗援助. 请知道的朋友提供相关的信息. 非常感谢!!!
One more thing you acn try.... Believe it or not. You can actually ask family physician for dicount. Maybe it will be difficult to do it in a big hospital where everything is in a rulebook. In family practise, private-visit fee is usually determined by the MD (advised by the MD college). I know someone (not Chinese, if you care to know) did this and got discount. Tell them the story, they often could act on compassion (NOTE they can only give discount on their time/service. Not things like Xray or that of a nurse) Good luck!