
Re: Re: 紧急求助

最初由 GoneWithTheWind 发布


Re: Re: Re: 紧急求助

最初由 阿童木 发布



希望以后不要再有这样的事了. NEVER NEVER NEVER........
多谢各位了! 其实如果我拒绝付钱的话, 医院根本不能把我怎样. 在法律上我没有义务付钱. 只是我妈妈就得宣告破产, CREDIT就没了, 虽然她已75岁了. 我是准备分期付款的. 大大的教训啊! 各位若有帮助迅速恢复骨折的良方, 如食补之类的, 请告之.
你妈妈在美国没有或者没买保险吗 :confused: 如果有的话,按说短期离境看病小钱自己花回去报销,大钱先联系保险公司。
接好骨头不要动不要用力,喝大骨头汤,吃猪蹄什么的好的快。GOOGLE一下骨折,食疗什么的,good luck :)
最初由 bonjour 发布
多谢各位了! 其实如果我拒绝付钱的话, 医院根本不能把我怎样. 在法律上我没有义务付钱. 只是我妈妈就得宣告破产, CREDIT就没了, 虽然她已75岁了. 我是准备分期付款的. 大大的教训啊! 各位若有帮助迅速恢复骨折的良方, 如食补之类的, 请告之.

You need spend $1000-2000 to claim for bankruptcy.
最初由 Kent以东首帅哥 发布

You need spend $1000-2000 to claim for bankruptcy.

If you have no money, you don't have to pay a penny. However, the hospital will put you on collections. A collection agency will trace you around. If you still don't pay since you have no money to pay, your name will be reported to Credit Bereau. That means you lose your credit. It doesn't matter if you claim bankruptcy or not.

So... if you are really unable to pay, just don't pay. I don't want to do this since I am a nice man.
最初由 bonjour 发布

If you have no money, you don't have to pay a penny. However, the hospital will put you on collections. A collection agency will trace you around. If you still don't pay since you have no money to pay, your name will be reported to Credit Bereau. That means you lose your credit. It doesn't matter if you claim bankruptcy or not.

So... if you are really unable to pay, just don't pay. I don't want to do this since I am a nice man.

If you didn't pay the medical bill, it's us, the tax payers, instead of the hospital, would have to pay.

Since your mother is a visitor, she probably doesn't have a SIN number, let alone any credit history. The hospital should know that.

Anyway, it's better than China. Some hospitals refuse to heal people without enough money showing up in time.
旅行社arrange trip(通过旅行社买机票)的话,说不定有旅游保险。
If it is a very big number, try charity.
最初由 Kent以东首帅哥 发布

If you didn't pay the medical bill, it's us, the tax payers, instead of the hospital, would have to pay.

Since your mother is a visitor, she probably doesn't have a SIN number, let alone any credit history. The hospital should know that.

Anyway, it's better than China. Some hospitals refuse to heal people without enough money showing up in time.

No matter in US or Canada, public hospitals will never refuse to handle an emergency case because it is against law.

There is no obligation that you have to pay any of your parents' bills. No one will blame you on this because people take this for granted here.

To be more localized, you don't have to feel guilty for not paying your parents' medical bill since you are in North America. Tax money will be spent on people in need anyway. HOWEVER, this is not encouraged if you have the ability to pay.

I would strongly recommend everybody to buy travel insurance for his visiting parents - A lesson from me. I didn't realize how important it is.
我哥上次来,在多伦多肺塌陷住院6天,仅住院费和药费就花去17,000加币, 搞得我父母倾尽所有积蓄才能最后付完所有欠款。所以劝告各位没有健康保险的亲人来探亲的时候一定要买健康保险! 我当时就是大意了,想着我哥反正年轻,又一向身体很好,短期旅游不会有什么问题的, 所以也没想到要给他买什么健康保险。现在想起来都后悔莫及!:(