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<HTML>You should stop being cheated, if you are smart.
There is exception if you think landing fee is just for your canadian touring.

Take care</HTML>

Re: 报忧不报喜

<HTML>That's right. Many engineers have come here waiting a
labour work.

Accoring to a report, most people do not have job here.
Why don't we go home? Because we cannot recover to original positions if we go back certainly except that you have
a father officer in government.

Once you come here, it is too late to be regret.</HTML>
Re: 报忧不报喜

<HTML>Again, I think the immigrants are lower than the refugees.
Here, the refugee can get the mony from government as the
immigrants cannot. The government and companies do not
supply you any chance to get work. So you stay here to
spend Canadian dollors for rent and living.

This is the experience of myself.</HTML>
Re: 报忧不报喜

<HTML>Well, last time I saw a guy's post about how he used up all money and didn't even have anything left for a ticket going back China. :)</HTML>
Re: 报忧不报喜

<HTML>On the bright side, there's one thing for sure: You won't die in Canada for poverty. If you are INDEED out of money, whine to the government for welfare. You will be able to survive. It just ruins your future.</HTML>
Re: 报忧不报喜





北美经济处于衰退时期,我认识的一些Bilingual Canadian with strong technical background仍在找工作,新移民会更艰难。

但是万事无绝对,我认识的新登陆的朋友里有若干个3个月内找到C++ programmer的工作,而且就发生在最近一两个月。Nortel裁下来上千个programmer,居然让新移民把offer拿走了。Corel的若干department在大换血,资深的员工工资过高,大部份被轰走,新移民申请人反而受青睐。我们在中国都学过辩证法,应该能明白其中的奥秘。

如果你已经拿到Landing paper,稳妥起见,建议你尽量推迟landing时间,等待北美经济recover。

If you are good, and you are lucky,the limit is the sky.这句话是我刚来时LINC班的老师说的,转赠给你。Unfortunately,to some people, the limit is their mind.

声明:每个人的生活经历,对于他自己是生活的全部,对于社会,仅仅是生活的一个侧面。本人无意对任何基于single case的反驳进行深入辩论。

Re: 报忧不报喜

<HTML>The life is not easy in everywhere. I discussed the immigrant with my friends some time and get the result: the average about 5 years for every one to get to adopt their new life. That means sacrifice yourself. You should consider the couple of points below to make your decision:

1. You will take the Canada as your own country and never think you will go back. You and your future is here.

2. Your all past in China is pasted. Your starting point is zero.

3. Your are strangly challenged minded. In any working environment, You will always like to put more time on working and challenged everyone in your field. Your boss and manager will like you because you are the best.

4. To love life and open your mind. To do the labour and whatever at beginning is not bad, you get the new experience. My second job in here five years ago is woking 8 months in midnight shift in a factory. Actually after I landing in Canada two days from Germany, I found my first job in a restaurant.

Hope can help.</HTML>
Re: 报忧不报喜

<HTML>You don't want to get so much pessimistic about coming to Canada.

However, you really need to be prepared and realistic about establishing a new life in a foreign land. Just image what kind of hardships you may experience when you go to a new country especially if you don't speak fluent English/French here.

Depending on your working experience and expertise, it may be so difficult (almost impossible) for you to undertake your original career path such as lawyer/doctor. In this case, you face more challenges of taking alternate career options or re-start from zero. If you are lucky (and possible), you may be able to get a job offer after your establishement and normally may take up to a year (during which, you may take part time job and study at Univ. to update your skills/improve your communication skills).

There are so many things here in Canada you can never expect to get in China, but it is also true that there are so many things there in China you can never expect to get in Canada. For those of us who choose to stay here, we prefer to live a peaceful, quiet, and self-dependant life here. One thing for your reference is that you must be strong enough to tackle any challenges ahead of you yourself whether financial or family. Be prepared and not scared. Your future is in your own hands not others!</HTML>
Re: 报忧不报喜

<HTML>Agree. We must be positive.
Nothing is worse than you say no to your self.

I have been managed more than 500 in Beijing and when I got i Canada I was an assembler only with my BEng, MEng, MSc.

In 3 years I promted 4 times -- the pay is 3.5 times higher than the begining. And now I lost my job. And started my own business. Also my previous is going to call me back for another 6 to 12 months...

Do not give up. Keep positive. God helps those who help theriself.

Welcome new comers to contact me.</HTML>
Re: 报忧不报喜

Re: 报忧不报喜

Re: 报忧不报喜

<HTML>有一条: 越晚登陆越好, 实在是拖不下去了, 登陆一下, 办好手续, 回国呆上半年一年的. 说起来也挺不是滋味的, 是不是听着也难受? 中国乌烟瘴气的, 中国人怪可怜的, 不说了, 祝你好运, '普通人'兄弟.</HTML>
Re: 报忧不报喜
