
Re: Re: Re: Re: 比“好”的人和比“坏”的人

最初由 kool 发布

自我批评是为了更好的进取, 这是一个正确的和积极的行为, 那就是说,在自我批评后有一个在正面思想指导下的“进取行为”。。哪怕是一个积极的建议也是可取的。(在这整篇文章里, 除了兴风作浪, 根本就没有什么积极的善意的和有进取性的建议)
我之所以在这里讥讽你所转贴的这篇文章, 就是这根本不是一个善意的自我批评的行为。。是明显的以一些正常的社会现像来借题发挥, 肆意攻击和侮辱自己的民族整体素质, 这就不是您所说的responsibility to help others to improve!

BTW,<<Are we doing perfectly in this world>>this is misleading,
我们反对这样带有肆意攻击和借题发挥文章, 并不代表我在宣扬我们是perfect.
这和我们争论的中心是完全不等同的概念。。请您不要混为一谈, 错误引导。

So do you agree with the facts given in the articles? I think most of them are ture. Then don't you feel insulted by such facts, or only feel insulted just because someone has pointed this out. If our folks did everyting well (not to say perfect), then I will feel insulted by those non-founded words, but unfortunately most of those are true. I feel more insulted by our floks who don't want to recognize these problem than being pointed by others of these problems.

This article points out some problem we have, it doesn't necessary to give you suggestion. It's you and me who should think of it and find more solutions. An article pointing out problem but not giving solutions doesn't mean it's not telling the truth.
every nation has this kind of problem, not only chinese, that is a whole point!
我明确的说了这是个社会现象, 而此文是别有用心的夸大攻击。。我希望你能再理解一下我说指出此文的真正目的
I feel insulted, yes, because he insulted chinese nation. why u feel insulted, if it is a truth, u won't feel insulted, the whole meaning of insult, that is not truth! simple logic
最初由 warm blood 发布

送交者: 林思云 2004年8月11日11:19:19 于 [天下论坛]






最初由 lifeisfun 发布

But think about that you used it first for the author which is also not fair. Let's just discuss thing not attack person, if you disagree with him, just say that.

At least one thing this article has done sucessfully.
It catches your attention (no matter good or bad) and it makes you aware of it.
最初由 kool 发布
every nation has this kind of problem, not only chinese, that is a whole point!
我明确的说了这是个社会现象, 而此文是别有用心的夸大攻击。。我希望你能再理解一下我说指出此文的真正目的
I feel insulted, yes, because he insulted chinese nation. why u feel insulted, if it is a truth, u won't feel insulted, the whole meaning of insult, that is not truth! simple logic

Yes, this is a problem existing in many countries, but not all the countries. But why cann't we learn from those who do better than us.
As Chinese, if we don't care of our own problem, who would care?

If you feel that the author insults the whole nation, why don't you feel being insulted by the behaviors of our folks.
最初由 lifeisfun 发布

Yes, this is a problem existing in many countries, but not all the countries. But why cann't we learn from those who do better than us.
As Chinese, if we don't care of our own problem, who would care?

If you feel that the author insults the whole nation, why don't you feel being insulted by the behaviors of our folks.

human nature, is there really a "good" behavior or a "bad" one??
when u judge one as good one, some one or ur enemy will judge as bad one..and there is no really good nation or bad one.."good" can be fake, just because they want show to public as a "good" image..that is easy for them to take more from the "bad" ones.."bad" doesn't really means "bad", in chinese mind, they did right thing!
中国有句成语: 知耻近乎勇。现在的中国人,别说知耻,就是说一下头上的癞疤也不行。

最初由 kool 发布

human nature, is there really a "good" behavior or a "bad" one??
when u judge one as good one, some one or ur enemy will judge as bad one..and there is no really good nation or bad one.."good" can be fake, just because they want show to public as a "good" image..that is easy for them to take more from the "bad" ones.."bad" doesn't really means "bad", in chinese mind, they did right thing!

这个世界上是有很多标准是相对的, 但是什么是好的行为,什么是坏的行为, 我想还是有一个基本的尺度. 你难道想告诉我随地扔垃圾在中国是好的行为, 在球场骂球员和裁判:SHABI, 是好的行为? 或者你想说在和日本人踢球时骂日本人SHABI, 就是好的行为. 你的思维正象文中所说的.
visitor, 您和这文章一样>>借题发挥,蓄意夸大。。。
懒得理你, 浪费青春。
最初由 visitor 发布
中国有句成语: 知耻近乎勇。现在的中国人,别说知耻,就是说一下头上的癞疤也不行。

最初由 lifeisfun 发布
最初由 visitor 发布
中国有句成语: 知耻近乎勇。现在的中国人,别说知耻,就是说一下头上的癞疤也不行。


最初由 潜水艇 发布

Re: Re: 比“好”的人和比“坏”的人

最初由 马踏飞燕 发布







这里有人觉得奥运会是比“好”么? --- 这一条我觉得"Yes", 其他几条都是"No"