很想说几句 - 评闭幕式上的中国表演 (转贴)


这样糟贱民族服装真是闻所未闻. 国人颇为不齿的所谓"变态"的日本,会将和服挖出条乳沟来在国际舞台展示吗?
Come on. How come we can't accept changes.

I talked to my Canadian colleauge and asked their opinion on the Chinese performance during the Olympic closing cermemony. They said Chinese achieved their goal to attract tourists to go visit Beijing in 2008. They also see that China has changed and is now a modern city. Nothing wrong with mini-skirt.

When we watched the show with few other friends, we didn't have any negataive comments.
We have to think it's 2004 China is OPEN and more OPEN.
You still like 20 or 30 year ago.
Many of the negative comments are just a pure respect to 传统服装 and to our culture only. It's nothing about open minded, willing to accept new things or not.
If the 美术指导 picked a more Modern cloth to make those clothings, even though it's the same 剪载, I am sure many people will feel much comfortable about them.

All the countries in the world would not do such offence to their 传统服装, because that is something that represents them. If they want to make it modern looking, they just make it modern looking, not just modified the length of the dress.

