[问题] 近期回国,请教大家买些什么礼品送亲友有特色、经济实用又方便携带?

nutrition products made in CA are popular and helpful for relatives. canadian coins are cheap and nice for young friends who are hard to satisfy.
colustrum. also called first milk.
good for seniors.
最初由 Python 发布
colustrum. also called first milk.
good for seniors.

What's the difference between colustrum and regular milk?
Is the taste the same?
Where to get them?
Thank you.
最初由 不饿 发布
nutrition products made in CA are popular and helpful for relatives. canadian coins are cheap and nice for young friends who are hard to satisfy.

canadian coins ?
where could i find it?
最初由 不饿 发布
nutrition products made in CA are popular and helpful for relatives. canadian coins are cheap and nice for young friends who are hard to satisfy.

I have the same feeling
到国会里面的boutique 买个小雕塑,放心全是made in canada的,
canadian coins

提到canadian coins, 我真是感触良深~~

这次回国的时候只带了1元人民币硬币, 结果坐公车的时候由于行李箱太大需要多交一元~~~ 无奈… 掏出加元25分, 以迅雷不及掩耳之势投入钱箱企图蒙货过关^_^ 事过2个月的一天给国内男朋友打电话, 他居然在他们家附近捡到了一个加元25分, 也是背面是一个鹿的~~ 汗
营养品就别带了, 是药三分毒, 就算没毒, 吃一两瓶根本也没什么用, 又比较贵.

Rideau center三楼有三个礼品店, 里面有不少东西. 里面有一种用加拿大特产矿石做的雕像, 有点特色, 但得挑一挑.

枫糖浆还是买loblaws那种枫叶形状瓶子的比较合算, $5.99吧.
巧克力好象也还可以, 要包装很漂亮的, 也不过几元.

主要还是看包装, 去国内商店转转就知道有些东西送人拿不出手的.
建议你take一下营养学的课 :p

在加拿大,nutrition product和drug是两个不同的类别,正因为化学药品容易对人体产生副作用,加拿大才研究生物来源的营养品去改善同为生物的人的健康。食品法规定营养保健品属于食品,如果谁认为有毒,那只能说食物皆有毒了。

