That's why I said "humanly possible". Tell you manager that you need a break if you are over-stressed, but don't do it often. Most of the time, just suck it up and deal with it on a day-by-day basis.
Maybe you should check the "labour court". They can give a warning to your company's management if something's illegale.
Sorry I didn't find the contact information of "labour court". Maybe you can ask some friends to check it.
The daily limit is eight hours of work a day, or the number of hours in an established regular work day that is longer than eight hours. The weekly limit is 48 hours. Employees can agree, in writing, to work more than the longer daily and weekly limits, up to a maximum of 60 hours a week.
Most employees must receive overtime pay after 44 hours of work each week. The overtime rate is at least 1½ times the regular rate of pay. Employees can take time off at the rate of 1½ hours for each hour of overtime worked, instead of overtime pay, if they and their employers agree in writing. If an employee and employer agree in writing, the employee's hours of work can also be averaged over a period of time not to exceed four weeks for the purpose of determining whether overtime is due.
Rest Periods
The daily rest period requirement is 11 consecutive hours off in a 24-hour period. An employee must be allowed 24 consecutive hours off in each week or 48 hours off (two consecutive days) every two weeks. An employee must also have eight hours free from work between shifts - unless the total time worked on successive shifts is 13 hours or less, or unless the employee and employer agree to another arrangement in writing. These requirements are also subject to certain exceptions, e.g. on-call employees or employers' emergency staffing needs.
Employment Standards:
Ontario: 60 hours per week. May work in excess of 8 hours per day or 48 hours per week but "must" be paid overtime after "44 hours" per week. And the employer can average hours, up to four weeks. Other wise obtain permission from the Director of Employment Standards.
综上所诉, 你有权向你的老板提出要加班费,根据法律他不能不给. 不过我有个朋友说, 她要求以后, 公司同意给她加班费了, 不过也把他Lay off了.