
  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 leejf
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我是刚来的,问一下什么叫PROJECT?特别是我选了AD HOC WIRELESS NETWORK,那教授列了一个PROFECT的表,什么意思,是要我写什么还是要我做什么?谢谢
哇 CS的研究生 ... 我的学长呀学长 ... 请问CS爬到那么高会不会很艰难 ? ... 而且学长对于以后的就业前景乐观不乐观 ? ... CS很多选修课的 ... 学长你的选修课都修了些什么? ... LOL 一下问了好多 :)
Congratulations! You take the right course and you will find the reason step-by-step during this session. You need to choose one project, and either write a report or make a program, or both, depending on the requirement of the project. You can find the information by browsing the prof's webpage to get more detail information.
楼上的,thank you for asking.Whatever, I would not drop this course. I don't think everyone in the class is able to understand what the Professor say. For me, a new student,who has been here just for 4 months, it is so nature.If I don't understand anything about the course I have chosen, I will ask everyone.I don't care whom they are.By the way, do you think which course is easy to take?
Choose one topic of the projects from the list, and then work and run and compile on the pc, finally write your project report with final result of your project. As a student, you must know how to write lab or project report. You could find the right format from anywhere on the website of courses in OU. Take it easy.

最初由 leejf 发布
楼上的,thank you for asking.Whatever, I would not drop this course. I don't think everyone in the class is able to understand what the Professor say. For me, a new student,who has been here just for 4 months, it is so nature.If I don't understand anything about the course I have chosen, I will ask everyone.I don't care whom they are.By the way, do you think which course is easy to take?
最初由 leejf 发布
楼上的,thank you for asking.Whatever, I would not drop this course. I don't think everyone in the class is able to understand what the Professor say. For me, a new student,who has been here just for 4 months, it is so nature.If I don't understand anything about the course I have chosen, I will ask everyone.I don't care whom they are.By the way, do you think which course is easy to take?


do you think which course is easy to take? 你这是废话,容易的课当然有!我多说无用,你自己找吧。
我是今年刚来的cs master,大家有机会认识一下吧
I am going to drop this course.

hardly understand his english.