I have a stroller which can be used for newborn and up to 1 and half year older. It is in the excellent condition, clear and very cheap ( I only ask for 10 dollors for quick sale . If you are interested in it, give me a call at 2545441 and take a look . I have a lot of baby stuff(snowsuit, toys, clothes) willing to sell at very cheap price.
最初由 WXH 发布 I have a stroller which can be used for newborn and up to 1 and half year older. It is in the excellent condition, clear and very cheap ( I only ask for 10 dollors for quick sale . If you are interested in it, give me a call at 2545441 and take a look . I have a lot of baby stuff(snowsuit, toys, clothes) willing to sell at very cheap price.
My stroller is also Graco and it looks very similar with this (similar model and color).I think mine even looks better than this. Mine has a nice thick cusion inside for the baby
to sleep. There is a little basket under the stoller and a little pocket at the back of the stoller for putting baby stuff. Sorry for not having the picture for it. You can come to take a look if you like.