Second Glimpse of Rockies (3)

对, 对! 俺就是看了本这样片片的挂历才踏上色影这"贼船"的.

我的感觉是那里处处都是景,沿着route 1, 1A and 93 Hwy走就可以了。我拍照的地方离公路都不远.
#4/5/6 are my favarites. Wonderful scenraries.

:) everyone says good, beautiful, amazing, ...... words.

but I say "a little bit disappointed" because I saw these:

Glimpse of Canadian Rockies

after watching your and Gene's pictures, it seems that the scenes of Canadian Rocks in fall are more beautiful.

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

next go in winter ?
I have one comment here: this forum has become too, oh shall I say, "technical". For people like myself who knows very little about photography, but still loves the beauty of nature, this forum has become a little bit intimidating. I guess that's the reason many like myself miss Apple's involvement in this forum, because she brought "normal people's touch" here.

I wish that you guys could talk more about the "side-stories" than to talk about techniques, you know, things happened while taking these pictures, feelings & emotions, something the non-technical people could relate to.

That being said, I admit that I truly enjoyed these amazing photos, deeply touched by them if you will, and hope you could keep on posting. :cool::)
Gang: frankly, Gene and I like the fall much better than spring.
maybe because we were lazy than last year. :)

Rockies in winter should be nice as well, I definitely will go there in coming years, not this year, short of money now.

渐渐: Thank you for the comments, I will try my best:). I am not good at writing though.