B beautiful life 新手上路 注册 2003-09-13 消息 437 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-09-23 #16 郑的技术怎么样啊?有的老外医生态度到是很好,就是技术不行!
南 南海明珠 新手上路 注册 2004-06-02 消息 27 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-09-24 #18 郑四勤同时看几个病人, 确实讨厌, 也不尊重病人.问问题也不怎么回答. 对老外态度就好些.还是看当地医生好些. OU 的牙医诊所据说有个女牙医很不错, 人很nice, 技术也好,但不知具体名字. 牙科的单词很简单, 牙医是根据检查和x光来诊断, 并不需要你描述很多. 没必要因为语言去找中国医生.
郑四勤同时看几个病人, 确实讨厌, 也不尊重病人.问问题也不怎么回答. 对老外态度就好些.还是看当地医生好些. OU 的牙医诊所据说有个女牙医很不错, 人很nice, 技术也好,但不知具体名字. 牙科的单词很简单, 牙医是根据检查和x光来诊断, 并不需要你描述很多. 没必要因为语言去找中国医生.
Q qqottawa 新手上路 注册 2003-07-03 消息 129 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-10-02 #19 What happen here for dentist!!! What happen here for dentist! I stay in Beijing for several months, and go to hospital to have my teeth checked and fixing several teeth, only cost me several hundred RMB yuan.
What happen here for dentist!!! What happen here for dentist! I stay in Beijing for several months, and go to hospital to have my teeth checked and fixing several teeth, only cost me several hundred RMB yuan.
S superheros 新手上路 注册 2004-06-26 消息 82 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-10-02 #20 最初由 Caohaoying 发布 学校的保险只COVER洗牙等日常维护.根管什么的只COVER 10%. 你还是别挺着了.这10%才几块 点击展开... It seems that root cannal is not covered by the student dental insurance. Last time my dentist told me doing a root cannal costs $800.
最初由 Caohaoying 发布 学校的保险只COVER洗牙等日常维护.根管什么的只COVER 10%. 你还是别挺着了.这10%才几块 点击展开... It seems that root cannal is not covered by the student dental insurance. Last time my dentist told me doing a root cannal costs $800.