
Looks like that this guy has not experienced much of such things in Canada and makes some really bad summerization about the overseas Chinese people here in Ottawa.

I once looked for, found an apartment, and paid $200 first month deposit to the landlord for a friend of my classmate; however, this friend changed his mind and decided to go to Toronto instead. I lost the $200 deposit. Certainly, this friend paid me back.

Based on my years' living experience here in Ottawa, I would think that Chinese people are more trustful than others if we have to make some generalization; otherwise, tell me why landlords always would prefer renting their apartment to Chinese students to others though most Chinese students may have difficulty in signing up a first lease due to the lack of previous credits.
最初由 JLu 发布
Based on my years' living experience here in Ottawa, I would think that Chinese people are more trustful than others if we have to make some generalization; otherwise, tell me why landlords always would prefer renting their apartment to Chinese students to others though most Chinese students may have difficulty in signing up a first lease due to the lack of previous credits.

Agree! One of my friend lent his room to a white student in Aigonguin College. The white guys refused to pay the rent for 4 months after he signed the lease. My friend has to pay thousands of dollars asking lawyer to sue him to get him out. But my friend can't get money back.

Leave more room and understanding to our brother and sister. I strongly believe the average credit level of our new chiniese immigrants are higher than average local people. There is a statistics saying chinese family has lowest bad credit rate.
最初由 terry 发布

Agree! One of my friend lent his room to a white student in Aigonguin College. The white guys refused to pay the rent for 4 months after he signed the lease. My friend has to pay thousands of dollars asking lawyer to sue him to get him out. But my friend can't get money back.

Leave more room and understanding to our brother and sister. I strongly believe the average credit level of our new chiniese immigrants are higher than average local people. There is a statistics saying chinese family has lowest bad credit rate.
诚信的前题是双方的信任, 如果没有双方的信任, 诚信也就无从谈起. 定金所暗示的正是卖方对买方的不信任, 这种不信任, 决定了卖买双方谈不上什么诚信了. 如果这位卖主这样讲诚信, 当初为什么要收定金?

这位买主改主意后, 打电话通知卖方, 已经算可以了. 这种事在本地很常见, 没人上升到"诚信"的高度.

中国人的总体素质是比西方人的总体素质低(注意: 总体), 这是事实. 但这件事, 并不是一个正确的例证.
最初由 visitor 发布
中国人的总体素质是比西方人的总体素质低(注意: 总体), 这是事实..

诚信的前题是双方的信任, 如果没有双方的信任, 诚信也就无从谈起. 定金所暗示的正是卖方对买方的不信任, 这种不信任, 决定了卖买双方谈不上什么诚信了. 如果这位卖主这样讲诚信, 当初为什么要收定金?

最初由 viewer 发布




:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
不能一概而论,比方说四五十年代出生那些人还是挺不错的,到了文革前后出生的人才差一些. :)
大家不要和不是中国人的人纠缠不清了,他不会说中国人一句好话,(注意: 一句), 这是事实。
最初由 gdntfrank 发布
诚信的前题是双方的信任, 如果没有双方的信任, 诚信也就无从谈起. 定金所暗示的正是卖方对买方的不信任, 这种不信任, 决定了卖买双方谈不上什么诚信了. 如果这位卖主这样讲诚信, 当初为什么要收定金?




