
Jazz, 那女生挺好的, 就依了吧:o
最初由 Barbie 发布

Do you mind telling me when you met him? How old were you then? I mean, two years is a big deal for girls too:)
move in is a bigger deal for girls. :rolleyes:
I was 51 days shy from my 22nd birthday when I met my husband for the first time. It took us another 3 years before getting married.

My advice: take the necessary time to get to know him before walking down the aile. 2 years is not that long, but long enough to know his ups and downs. :)

最初由 Barbie 发布

Do you mind telling me when you met him? How old were you then? I mean, two years is a big deal for girls too:)
最初由 渐渐 发布
I was 51 days shy from my 22nd birthday when I met my husband for the first time. It took us another 3 years before getting married.

My advice: take the necessary time to get to know him before walking down the aile. 2 years is not that long, but long enough to know his ups and downs. :)

最初由 渐渐 发布
I was 51 days shy from my 22nd birthday when I met my husband for the first time. It took us another 3 years before getting married.

My advice: take the necessary time to get to know him before walking down the aile. 2 years is not that long, but long enough to know his ups and downs. :)

汗,花了两年时间就知道up and down:blink:

no zhe jiao qing jiu shao joking, get it?
sometimes men just don't know that it's time to shut up, well the dumb ones at least. :o

and I'll bet my dollars to cents right now that those men will jump up and down for that comment. :)
最初由 渐渐 发布
sometimes men just don't know that it's time to shut up, well the dumb ones at least. :o

and I'll bet my dollars to cents right now that those men will jump up and down for that comment. :)

男人不说了, 女人又干嘛呢?? 我只是好奇??

还有我有个问题, 希望你老实说, 你喜欢你的上司是男老板还是女老板??
I knew you'd jump out, what did I say. ;):D
最初由 Barbie 发布
每个人心里对未来的TA都有个标准的,但是可能最后发现,你竟然喜欢上了一个跟你预想的截然不同的人,为什么啊?心理的标准和现实的挣扎,怎么平衡啊?:confused: (替一个朋友发) 我的意见她不听:o

每个人都是独立的个体,还是不断随环境变化的, 在要好的两个海誓山盟,赴汤蹈火的爱人, 还是两个脑袋,不同的思维, 所以不要刻意的去符合择偶标准, 只要是一个有责任心,心地善良的爱你的人就是有了可以生活的基础了, 其他可以在共同努力和调节下, 不断完善。。这才比较可行的。。老是在用自己的刻意标准来衡量对方, 我感到有点自私了