
最初由 爱情小魔咒 发布

Already lucky enough
最初由 OttawaMontreal 发布
I suggest you pay.
If the ticket says that your speed was 132, your actual speed could be 140. Normally they reduce your speed by 5% to reflect possible inaccuracy by radar.
Also because you were driving a rental car, you should contact the rental company, because they will receive a ticket too. You will probably need to pay to the rental company, and then they will pay the police.

experienced suggestion.

I got the same speed ticked in couple of years ago.

usually the officier already reduce some percent of you real speed. I think you know yourself and you know how fast you drive.

does the officer show you the laser guy reading number? if he did not, you have the chance to bargin.
If you want to speed, follow a speeding vehicle, my experience.
Re: Re: 一张超速罚单

最初由 陨石 发布

You are goodboy. You were speeding at 132km/h.
What would a badboy do?

I suggest you pay the fine, since Sainte-Foy could be a small town at somewhere in Quebec.
badboy88 did the same 2 years ago,and paid for the fine.since then i reduce the speed to 120km/h
Re: Re: 一张超速罚单

最初由 mossback 发布


老天爷作证我没有说慌!!!!!! :flaming:
Re: Re: Re: 一张超速罚单

谢谢各位的回贴! 那么如果我想上法庭碰碰运气的话,我必须去魁省的Sainte Foy ? 不能在OTTAWA上庭?
最初由 goodboy 发布
长周末租了辆HERTZ的车去QUEBEC CITY,在MONTREAL附近40号公路(Rigaud,安省和魁省的交界处)超速一点点,被抓.几辆QUEBEC警车都藏在桥后面,狡猾得很.


District judiciaire: Beauharnois
Poursuivant: Procureur general du Quebec
1200, route de IEglise, 6e etage,
Sainte-Foy (Quebec) G1V 4X1

罚单上说我 132km/h, 扣3点.罚183刀.

怎么办?如果我要上法庭dispute,是不是必须去魁省的法庭?(Montreal还是Quebec city?)我能不能在OTTAWA的法庭dispute?还是只能乖乖地扣点罚钱?明年的保险要涨多少?


Will go to bank to pay the bill tomorrow :(
The experience is that dont speeding alone... Spending in Group. The police always catches a single viechle but not a group of cars. When I am over speed, I always do like this.