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<HTML>你的感觉不是1个人,2个人体会过, 而是几乎所有的来加拿大的国内人都曾有过的感受.

给自己制定个3年的生活目标, 咬牙抗着, 来加拿大移民的机会今后对技术移民几乎是关闭大门了, 你还是幸运的.

好好过, 给自己找些乐趣. 我经历的事情比你可更加严酷(在心情上), 但人要活得大气一些. 心胸开朗一些. 活出你自己的风格, 活出你自己的色彩...

若想家就多给家里打些电话. 介绍你一首汪峰的歌: <妈妈>, 里边就是你现在的感受.

若没有朋友, 自己也要自寻乐趣! 记住一点: 自己的生活不会黯淡, 用你的个性去挑战这个乏味的社会. 你会发现这里有在国内无法体会到的新的生活空间(虽然它单调, 单调再单调...)


Re: Orphan from the Beautiful World

<HTML>Hi Orphan from the Beautiful World,

Thanks for presenting a good point of view about how to look at the new life here in a foreign land.

However, I feel that it may be necessary to clarify one point of yours regarding the door to technical immigration from China will be almost closed.

Yes, I do feel that the new immigration policy has some bias against the general nation of China. However, I can
assure you that more qualified and specialized technical professionals with Master/PhD degree, plenty work experience, and excellent English skills from China will be able to make the entry to Canada. Please note that the Government of Canada is taking more and more immigrants each and every year since the Liberal was in power.</HTML>
To: 美丽世界的孤儿

<HTML>As a new here, I often feel the same feeling as above.Thanks for your words. They help me a lot.</HTML>
To: Hi-Fi

<HTML>我去的国家很多, 但说实话, 我还是第一次面对这样单调无聊的生活. 而且是在世界的几个著名的发达国家之一 - 加拿大.

小时候, 看到加拿大, 就想起白求恩, 当年(87年)去五台山玩, 不顾天黑路滑, 我们几个哥们楞是搭乘手扶拖拉机找到了以前八路军的松岩口医院旧址, 就为了看一眼著名的白求恩以前住的窑洞, 觉得这是真实的故址, 不是小人书上看到的. 的确和小人书上的不同.

现在到了白大夫的故乡, 发现这里也不象人想的那样.这里说实在的还没有在非洲的生活有趣. 不明白加拿大人是怎样过日子的, 可是人家过的还挺好.

前几天新年, 我拿几张朋友传给我的上海和北京的数码照片给我的房东看, 她说啥也不相信这是中国的城市. 说我骗她, 实在懒得和她解释了. 去年我在MONTREAL, 一个自以为是的鬼佬牛皮烘烘问我: 中国有电脑吗??? 有微波炉吗??? 考, 我对他说: 你家的微波炉肯定是MADE IN CHINA, 回家自己看去, 不仅是这个, 从你脚上的鞋, 到头上的帽子都是MADE IN CHINA, 连你丫吊着的小内裤都是中国产的. 他改天对我说, 不仅微波炉是中国产, 连电脑, DVD, SONY的小HI-FI...这些东西都是MADE IN CHINA, 打印机也是.


的确国内的发展比这里有前途, 忍一下吧, 也算是人生的经历吧. 若有人感兴趣, 我可以给大家讲讲我在非洲的生活. 记忆犹新的回忆.

新年好, 站直了, 别趴下!</HTML>

Re: To: Hi-Fi

<HTML>It's so unlucky you are so close to the local people here not that well informed, probably not well educated. Most of well educated canadian are fully aware of what is happening in China because they read and think. You mentioned your background is French in China. You probably know that French is quite famous in enjoying the life. Too bad you probably were too busy in complaining than figuring out what was really behind the language during university years. Till now, all I read from your post are whining or making stupid comments on girls. Personally, I find it's quite annoying.

Since you talked so much on this BBS. I figure it's fair for me just complain about it for once.</HTML>
Re: To: Hi-Fi

you are totally wrong! Most of Canadian never been to China, and they don't care, even most of their daily stuffs are made in China, just like 美丽世界的孤儿 said, they don't know! This doe nothing with education.
Second, please have a look at the name of this board, it is supposed to discuss 情感,交友,单身,婚姻,性,etc. If you don't like it, goto somewhere else and shutup!

I appreciate that 美丽世界的孤儿 shared so much with us, boring people in Canada. we can always learn something from others. I never think who is talking too much on this forum, actually, i hope everyone learn from 美丽世界的孤儿</HTML>
Re: To: Hi-Fi

<HTML>I found you have been changed a lot. What happened to you.</HTML>
Re: To:美丽世界的孤儿

<HTML>I found you have been changed a lot. What happened to you.
I am sorry, I made a mistake.</HTML>
Re: canadapassenger

<HTML>Since this is a free forum, there is no way to ask people to shut up. It's good that you appreciate what you learn from here. It does not mean that everyone has to agree with you.You don't have to agree with me that well educated Canadian is not taht ignorant if you have bad luck meeting ignorant ones everyday. Nothing personal here.

All I want to say is grow up and have a life, a real one not a pretentious one.</HTML>


让你失望了, 那个提出愚蠢问题的老外是个律师. 千真万确 ! 他还算个法裔的后代, 但对于法国, 还没有我了解的多, 去的地方还没有我走的多. 他只知道佛罗里达是旅游的好地方, 别的地方也不想去看看.

不论你是男是女, 我有我的观点, 你高兴与否, 不是我要关心的问题. 若你觉得我写的太多了, 那你也写, 这个网络原本对任何人都是公平的.


我所说的和所写的, 只是我的看法, 你若看不惯的话, 那也写出你的想法来, 别一个人在屏幕前生闷气, 小心坏了身体 !</HTML>


<HTML>我还是我啊, 没有变啊! 有空来电话. 有空一起去喝早茶.</HTML>

Re: To:美丽世界的孤儿

<HTML>You worry too much. No one can get upset to a child. After I am used to the GUI on this BBS, I can just skip your post or stop coming. Just one more word. Please be responsible when you post here. People do get information from this BBS. Please be fair when you talk. A lot of your comments are very prejudiced and will mislead people. The world is not beautiful only when people make so.</HTML>
Re: To:美丽世界的孤儿

<HTML>Everybody here is much better than those who just watch us, make fun of us, but not join us.</HTML>
Re: To:All

<HTML>Everybody here is much better than those who just watch us, make fun of us, but not join us.</HTML>