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Re: 唐美, 18岁不是不能考TOEFL。

<HTML>我觉得是pros/cons, 在国内完成大学的话, 最好再在社会上混一下。要么, 就大一或者大二的时候过来吧。
这种事, 要动手早。 颠扑不灭真理。</HTML>
Re: 唐美, 18岁不是不能考TOEFL。

<HTML>If your future objective is to live and work in China, the later to go abroad, the better; if you want to live and work in the North America, the earlier to come Canada/USA, the better.</HTML>
Re: 唐美, 18岁不是不能考TOEFL。

Re: 唐美


<font color="green">GOOD LUCK!</f></HTML>
guest2, 如果是越晚越好的话, 那就别出来了。

<HTML>年轻的时候, 学习新事物快。读完卷书, 行万里路。

一个人很年轻的时候, 有什么特别具体明确的future objective啊?</HTML>
Re: 所有人

<HTML>其实外国人对中国的了解实在是太少了,但是最令我生气的是他们竟然对不了解的东西妄加评论!我工作的地方有黎巴嫩人,伊拉克人和加拿大人,他们有天问我,中国人是不是不喜欢猫,因为中国人吃猫肉,我就说只是香港和广东人吃(希望没有广东人看见),后来他们又用特夸张的语气问我,你们还吃狗肉,我说因为中国有好多韩国人,其实是他们爱吃狗肉。我觉得他们实在是非常的STUPID,在他们的眼里,他们的标准才是世界上的唯一标准,如果以穆斯林的观点,连猪肉都不可以吃呢!况且这一方面也说明在他们眼里,动物和人一样是有高低贵贱之分的,都是动物,为什么牛、羊、鸡、鸭等天生就是被人吃的,而狗就成里上等动物,不!我看狗简直比人都高贵!还有一次在LINC学习的资料上,竟然把西藏变成一个国家?还有对@!#$的支持,以及对中国计划生育的不理解----- 太多太多了,我只是尽我的所能去说服他们,可是谁都知道没用,他们大多很虚伪的表面不与你争论,实际上还是那么想的。</HTML>
Re: 所有人

<HTML>果然如网友所说,在这个网站fa lun gong如果是汉字会自动变成乱码。为什么?</HTML>
Re: 所有人

<HTML>这个网站不想惹麻烦, 你知道前些日子一家报纸被XX功告了, 法院裁决报纸败诉, 我想你知道原因了吧?</HTML>

<HTML>By "the later the better", I mean to complete a university education in China, then coming to Canada. Since you want to live and work in China, you should build up a solid foundation in Chinese (speak, comprehansive, read and write fluently). Some Chinese kids who came here even at age of 12/13 (grade 5/6) lost their Chinese ability soon, since no Chinese environment. Such a loss you may never can get back. However, if you want live in Canada, the best age to come is before entering primary school to avoid an accent in English for your whole life (but trade-off is not to be able to read and write in Chinese forever). You understand that you and me can never speak like Canadian born here no matter how hard you try. Even Joan Chen (Chen Chong) still has very heavy accent in English in her films. She was from a English school in China, and working very hard to improve her oral English.</HTML>
Guest2, what's wrong with an accent?

<HTML>A Chinese descent cannot change his or her face even though he / she doesn't have the accent.

I don't see anything wrong with an accent.</HTML>
Re: Guest2, what's wrong with an accent?

<HTML>With a heavy accent, you can not work for some public media job, like TV, Radio stations, report, even a good polician. You and me are first generation immigrants, and we do not have such an ambition, but you do not want your children to be in such a disadvantage position. Since you are here, you are a Canadian. No body judges you from your face, but they can judge you from your oral communication skills. If you have a chance to teach in a Canaduab university, or give a speech on a radio station on air (live), you will understand what I mean.</HTML>
Re: Guest2, what's wrong with an accent?

<HTML>With a heavy accent, you can not work for some public media job, like TV, Radio stations, reporter, even a good polician. You and me are first generation immigrants, and we do not have such an ambition, but you do not want your children to be in such a disadvantage position. Since you are here, you are a Canadian. No body judges you from your face, but they can judge you from your oral communication skills. If you have a chance to teach in a Canadian university, or give a speech on a radio station on air (live), you will understand what I mean.</HTML>
Re: Guest2, what's wrong with an accent?

<HTML>I dont think its impossible to get rid of the accent if u can devote all ur effort on it,but it will really take a long time!</HTML>
Re: Guest2, what's wrong with an accent?

<HTML>The academic research concluded that to get rid of an accent, you must start to speak such a language from primary school, otherwise, there is no way to get rid of, even for people from Scotland. It is a dream to have no accent in English when you start to speak English in your adult age. You can try and you will know. I am not saying accent is acceptable for immigrant. I just say you are at a build-in disadvantage when you compete with a native Canadian in some professions/positions, but we do not want our children or grandchildren like us. I want our next generation to be able to do whatever they want in this society.</HTML>
Re: Guest2, what's wrong with an accent?

<HTML>You guys like to stretch yourself. Come on, accent doesn't mean heavy accent. People judge you by your confidence lah...... If you don't believe yourself, how can you ask others to believe you?</HTML>