
原片有些惨不忍睹。:p :p
最初由 shoppingcart 发布

最初由 startrack 发布
原片有些惨不忍睹。:p :p
是啊, 刚开始用D70时, 对有些PP深有同感, 后来发现是Nikon故意这样的, 尽量减少过曝, 给后期PS留下较大的空间.
2.磨皮+柔光 :cool:

one more assignment for you ------ knock out and change background for your #2 pic :D

Learning from you.
最初由 GangW 发布
2.磨皮+柔光 :cool:

one more assignment for you ------ knock out and change background for your #2 pic :D

Learning from you.
最初由 GangW 发布
2.磨皮+柔光 :cool:

one more assignment for you ------ knock out and change background for your #2 pic :D

Learning from you.
经昼夜苦战, 终于可以凑合着交武大师布置的作业了.(还是不那么满意, 这回没柔光, 只磨了皮). 同时体会到帮主的活儿不好练啊! 大家提提意见吧!
最初由 阿瓜 发布

经昼夜苦战, 终于可以凑合着交武大师布置的作业了.(还是不那么满意, 这回没柔光, 只磨了皮). 同时体会到帮主的活儿不好练啊! 大家提提意见吧!

:cool: 厉害! which software did you use ? Knockout or PS ? SaySay 123, let us learninglearning.
最初由 GangW 发布

:cool: 厉害! which software did you use ? Knockout or PS ? SaySay 123, let us learninglearning.

I used PS only. Here is what I did:

- Step 1: opened the picture with girls (:) nonsense)
- Step 2: adjusted Levels, Shadow/Highlight, Bright/Contrast and Hue/Saturation
- Step 3: saved and closed the file. Used Neat Image to remove some noises caused by ISO 1000.
- Step 4: re-opened the file in PS. Duplicated background layer. Named "girl".
- Step 5: on the new layer, removed everything except the girl by using Ereaser, Background Ereaser, Lasso, and Magnetic Lasso tools.
- Step 6: Re-created her left elbow with Clone Stemp Tool.
- Step 7: Chose a background picture with similar taken time, light condition, etc. Copied it to a new Layer.
- Step 8: Adjusted the girl layer's Levels, Saturation and Contrast so that it has similar tone with the chosen background.
- Step 9: merged Layers, added a frame etc. and then posted to CFC.

This is just what I did, 阿搜 and other DX, please comment, and add your opinion.