
If any one would like to go there BBQ,please tell me or contact them.

Hi, all:

On behalf of the Ottawa Chinese Basketball Association, I would like to
congratulate Dongbei Team, Guangxi Team, Quebec University Team, and Ottawa
Chinese Community Team to win 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place respectively in the
2006 Huiren Cup Basketball Tournament. And thank you all for your supports to
this annual event.

Our special thanks go to Xue Jinsheng, Liu Ying, and Fang Haitian, for putting
your time(4 whole days), energy, and hearts into this tournament. It is a
great success! All basketball friends and the Chinese Community will remember
and should remember your efforts!

The hard work was over, now it is Party Time! And we cannot wait too long!

June 18, Sunday, 11:00am, let us meet at Britannia Park to have a BBQ Picnic
Event! Please bring BBQ Stoves, enough delicious foods, meat, plates,
cutteries, water, drinks, cooked or not-cooked for your families and friends.

Please check this site to see where it is located(it is not far, it is in the
west of the Ottawa City):

http://www.ottawaplus.ca/portal/map...wa, ON &phone=&act=new&lon=-757975&lat=453610

Should you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please do not
hesitated to contact one of us:

Huang Bin: 956-8117(work), 261-2878(Cell), michael.huang@servicecanada.gc.ca
Xue Jinsheng: 224-5573(work), jin@timeandmoney.ca
Wang Baolai: 934-3101(work), bwang@ppt.gc.ca
Yang Jianhua: 951-1340, ott_yang@yahoo.com


Basketball @ Nepean Sportsplex June 14

June 14 (Tomorrow) basketball at Nepean Sportsplex from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. There are still spots available if anyone wishes to play. It is being organized by Wang Baolai (934-3101).
Re: Basketball @ Nepean Sportsplex June 14

It is the place where we practised with other teams before games? It's very far, but I like the good indoor place.

最初由 pingo 发布
June 14 (Tomorrow) basketball at Nepean Sportsplex from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. There are still spots available if anyone wishes to play. It is being organized by Wang Baolai (934-3101).
quote:最初由 pingo 发布
June 14 (Tomorrow) basketball at Nepean Sportsplex from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. There are still spots available if anyone wishes to play. It is being organized by Wang Baolai (934-3101).

I will go.Does anybody like to go together?
Nepean Sportsplex is located @ 1701 Woodroffe Ave. When you drive across the Ottawa/Hull bridge, take the Ottawa River Parkway and exit at the sign 'Woodroffe'.
最初由 pingo 发布
Nepean Sportsplex is located @ 1701 Woodroffe Ave. When you drive across the Ottawa/Hull bridge, take the Ottawa River Parkway and exit at the sign 'Woodroffe'.

To: Wang Gang:

please help me to 下载 我们季军那场球的录象,and I will come to copy.
since my internet speed is slow.