最初由 AOE_Conqueror 发布
If it's 12 people, considering the height, speed, resistance ......,we may have 2 teams, then in each team has 5 starters and 1 bench.
Of course, bench here is not as the NBA, just play 5 minutes, it means that he plays later in the game. In our case, noboday has very good resitance.
最初由 病毒*8848* 发布
最初由 itflyer 发布
2. 我按那种我认为过于较劲的防守方式. 那样的目的只有一个:不让你进球! 我会拽、拖、顶、压、推、挤,拉,等等,那样很容易犯规,然后说对不起,你可能5次进攻里只能成功1次(你真喜欢那样吗?以后你可能一见到我就烦了)。我实在不认为这是一种大家都认为我们这种年龄的人该有的“篮球文化”。