What is the five year fixed mortgage rate you get?


Has anyone applied for a five year fixed rate mortgage recently? What is your rate? Thx!
明天起scotia的五年fix mortgage 降低0.1%.posted rate will be 6.30%. Of course, you will get some discounts.
我觉得好像是个规律,就是利率长后, mortgage就会在这后面的两周左右降点.降的主要是4年以上的,一般利率变化25bps,mortgage 变化10bps.然后过那么一个月左右,Mortgage利率就会又涨上去.涨到比原来没降前的高.
所以我觉得如果想买房啥的,可以利用降的这个时间去做pre-approval,然后慢慢考虑,找房什么的,反正还有利息的保证期,省的mortgage rate涨了以后就要按高的rate作为基准了.
最初由 挺傻 发布
我觉得好像是个规律,就是利率长后, mortgage就会在这后面的两周左右降点.降的主要是4年以上的,一般利率变化25bps,mortgage 变化10bps.然后过那么一个月左右,Mortgage利率就会又涨上去.涨到比原来没降前的高.
所以我觉得如果想买房啥的,可以利用降的这个时间去做pre-approval,然后慢慢考虑,找房什么的,反正还有利息的保证期,省的mortgage rate涨了以后就要按高的rate作为基准了.

Can I go to apply for pre-approval mortgage without showing banks any documents from builder or personal sellers if I have not yet decided which one to buy. I'm wondering how banks decide how much lend to you.
最初由 ZDP 发布

Can I go to apply for pre-approval mortgage without showing banks any documents from builder or personal sellers if I have not yet decided which one to buy. I'm wondering how banks decide how much lend to you.

yes, you can. banks will check your credit and income.
这个pre approval对你来说没有什么约束力,你可以以后贷款也可以不贷款.但是对你有好处,就是你做的这个申请上面的利率会保证在120天有效,如果这120内利率上升你还可以按照你最初申请时候的利率获得mortgage.
Just a slight change to this: valid period for mortgage pre-approval varies among banks, some offer 120 days, some 90 days, so check with the bank.

最初由 挺傻 发布
We had 5.45 almost two years ago with ScotiaBank.
最初由 Havenlee 发布
We had 5.45 almost two years ago with ScotiaBank.
I just get my mortgage approved @ 5.15% plus 1% cash back. The bank will choose the lowest rate from the application date to the closing date as my final rate..
ING direct offer 5.05%. A friend of mine got 5.10% from TD. Another friend got 4.95% from CIBC.All within one week.
大家认为浮动在prime-0.75%怎么样? 和fixed and closed at 4.95%相比.
The effective rate of the 5.15% plus 1% cash back (if you apply the cash back to the mortgage immediate on the closing day) would be 4.88%. The rate is guranteed to my closing date - Oct/Nov 05, much more than 120 days...
In one or two years, it is good, but later on, I don't know (depends on your conversion rate and the term as well)since we all know the prime will go up for sure, how much??? I don't know... If you are a risk-taker, you might want to consider it; otherwise, stay away from it.

最初由 ESCAPE 发布
大家认为浮动在prime-0.75%怎么样? 和fixed and closed at 4.95%相比.