谈谈假如海归, 你希望的最低待遇?

This is purely based on feedbacks from friends working in similar fields in China. Actually monetary compensation isn't even my first and foremost concern, for me career development tops everything else. 275K/Yr is the starting point in negociation if it ever comes to that.

I believe that 275K RMB/Yr salary in China represents a higher living standard compared to 43K CAD/Yr in Canada. However there are things that money can't buy, which makes the decision that much harder. :)

最初由 abc123 发布


顺便给你算了一下,275K/YR = 22,917/MO,每月上4,104元税,一年税后

北京275K/YR = 渥太华 43K/YR。
最初由 渐渐 发布
This is purely based on feedbacks from friends working in similar fields in China. Actually monetary compensation isn't even my first and foremost concern, for me career development tops everything else. 275K/Yr is the starting point in negociation if it ever comes to that.

I believe that 275K RMB/Yr salary in China represents a higher living standard compared to 43K CAD/Yr in Canada. However there are things that money can't buy, which makes the decision that much harder. :)

Thanks on sharing where this number comes from.

Even from pure financial point of view, comparision between BJ and
Ottawa is very presonal depend. I don't want to mislead people in
this forum, so I said "相当" is based on a specific situation, in
which I take into account of something that may not applicable for
everyone. One example is private school tuition for kid(s) (for
keeping english enviroment only. This is essential if they need to move
back later on). I haven't counted on single house, as that's a
luxury there, although it's for average income family here.

I don't want to discuss whether money is important or not here, that's
too personal. In my view, money is a vehicle of doing sth., it's
meaningless to talk it without talking what to do.
I totally agree with you. It's a very personal decision, and I have not taken things like private school tuition into account. :blowzy:

I am however curious on how you arrived to the conclusion that 275K RMB = 43K CAD. Do you care to share your rationale?

最初由 abc123 发布

Thanks on sharing where this number comes from.

Even from pure financial point of view, comparision between BJ and
Ottawa is very presonal depend. I don't want to mislead people in
this forum, so I said "相当" is based on a specific situation, in
which I take into account of something that may not applicable for
everyone. One example is private school tuition for kid(s) (for
keeping english enviroment only. This is essential if they need to move
back later on). I haven't counted on single house, as that's a
luxury there, although it's for average income family here.

I don't want to discuss whether money is important or not here, that's
too personal. In my view, money is a vehicle of doing sth., it's
meaningless to talk it without talking what to do.
最初由 渐渐 发布
I totally agree with you. It's a very personal decision, and I have not taken things like private school tuition into account. :blowzy:

I am however curious on how you arrived to the conclusion that 275K RMB = 43K CAD. Do you care to share your rationale?

Based on recent currency change rate (CCR), roughly 7 RMB Yuan for 1
CND,and the income tax in two countries, they have the same amount of
after tax money. BTW, I don't buy in the idea of one yuan in China
is more than 1/(CCR, which is 7 now) CND in Canada, even many years
ago when people in China made far less.
真是胡扯! 人民币27万5竟然相当于加元4万3了!


我的观点是 -- 人民币27万5(税前)相当于加元7万(税前).



最初由 hxp417 发布
真是胡扯! 人民币27万5竟然相当于加元4万3了!


我的观点是 -- 人民币27万5(税前)相当于加元7万(税前).
出去公共汽车等少数情况, 3:1好象差不多.

最初由 hxp417 发布
我的观点是 -- 人民币27万5(税前)相当于加元7万(税前).
最初由 渐渐 发布

我是按照 1 : [3--4.5] 算的.

在3--4.5之间具体取什么值, 就看你自己其他方面的爱好和习惯了.
But why 1 : [3--4.5]? You just made up a ratio? Let's hear some arguments. WHY this ratio?

最初由 hxp417 发布

我是按照 1 : [3--4.5] 算的.

在3--4.5之间具体取什么值, 就看你自己其他方面的爱好和习惯了.

很简单. 把1 : 6的官方汇率往下缩小点, 不就是3--4.5么?

特爱中国生活方式的, 取3;
特讨厌中国生活方式, 比较喜欢/习惯加拿大生活方式的, 取4.5。

:D but you haven't answered my question yet: WHY the ratio? In other words, what factors make you come up with this ratio?
最初由 渐渐 发布
:D but you haven't answered my question yet: WHY the ratio? In other words, what factors make you come up with this ratio?

Okay... Answer! 我自己拍脑袋拍出来的!

这东西没什么可辩论的. 在参照物不多的情况下, 就自己拍脑袋想点理论了呗.

目前只知道官方汇率, 而且还知道人民币外汇汇率被低估了, 但是具体低估了多少, 没有权威说法, 没有什么权威的情况下, 我就斗胆了... ;)


在加拿大挣3000/月的在国内也就敢喊个1万. (都是税前)

Please elaborate on this. :)
即使同一个人, 在不同地方, 其挣钱水平和生活水平也完全不是一回事.