Any easy-going girl likes badminton?

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Re: min

<HTML>小丫头, 你要是谦虚些, 我倒可以教教你. 中国女人就是眼高手低. 知道个professional 就到处乱用.</HTML>
Re: min

Re: 闲云野鹤

<HTML>你有什么值得别人向你学的? 在你眼里女人都是无知无能, 用个professional都让你觉得碍眼, 看不起女生就别出现在这里, 这个贴子的题目是"Any easy-going girl likes badminton?" 别再在这里发表你有关女性之无能的高论了!</HTML>
Re:闲云野鹤 J.J. 帅得发呆

<HTML>我可是一??余羽毛球?好者。不是你?真的那肺只?跳舞的人。 呃女孩都被你?扁成那?╋你??好
意思跳出?回我的帖子?砚做很??南胍?蛴鹈?颟o 真??</HTML>
Re: min, badminton-girl

Re: min, badminton-girl

<HTML>让你们两个同时上, 保证你们打不到3分</HTML>
Re: : 闲云野鹤他妈

<HTML>你更象在更年期, 有60岁了吧?</HTML>
I am a girl who likes sport a lot

<HTML>Hi sisters,

Why don't we organize a sport's club? I like almost all the sports such as badminton, tennis, ski, rollerbladzing, table tennis,..... I am kind professional player for badminton. Could you please tell me where do you girls usually go to play badminton? Besides, any girls like to play tennis as well?? We can plan to play it during the summer time. Oh, how about rollerbladzing?? I find it is quiet lonely to do it by myself all the time. Honestly, not many Chinese girls like this sport :( It is a lot fun once you know how to control it. I can teach you if you want to learn it :)

By the way, just ignore those "big pig" for the misconception of us (girls). There are many girls like sport and play quiet well. Also, we are not meant to compete with each other but enjoy the activities.</HTML>
Re: I am a girl who likes sport a lot

Re: badminton-gril

Anyway,Nepean Sportlex是室内的。</HTML>

<HTML>没有想要贬低女孩, 只是大部分(一般情况)女孩都如你所说那么逊? 你的逻辑真是连Jr都不如, 不想辩就别总是出口伤人.</HTML>
Badminton court in Nepean Sportlex is only open on Wed. night and Sun. morning

<HTML>I hope I could join you girls. But being a Mom with a six-year old, this chance is slim :(</HTML>
Re: Badminton court in Nepean Sportlex is only open on Wed. night and Sun. morning


Calm down!

Anyway,I didnt mean that.

女孩会打球的是some of them,不会的是most of them。

BTW, I am girl though,I dont know how to make girl all like u feel comfortable.

Never mind!

Good day.</HTML>
Re: J.J

<HTML>J.J is a reasonable girl.</HTML>