

我找的工作是通过这个猎头公司的. 然后前几天这个猎头公司给我打电话让我去面试了. 请问要准备些啥呢? 跟一般的面试有什么不同呢? :confused:
It is not as formal as employer interview, but you should still dress
and speak professionally. Don't be later. If you give them a bad
impression, they won't recommend you to the employer. As for
questions, just normal ones. Know exactly what you write on your
resume. They will ask you to describe what you have done in each
position, why you quit and what kind of position or company you are
looking for. Good luck.
最初由 allhelp 发布
Know exactly what you write on your
resume. They will ask you to describe what you have done in each

谢谢! 但是我之前的工作做些啥不都清清楚楚写在RESUME上面了嘛! 还要问啊? :confused:
最初由 cutecute 发布

谢谢! 但是我之前的工作做些啥不都清清楚楚写在RESUME上面了嘛! 还要问啊? :confused:


最初由 cutecute 发布

谢谢! 但是我之前的工作做些啥不都清清楚楚写在RESUME上面了嘛! 还要问啊? :confused:

don't expect them to read your resume seriously.
After interview, you should contact the agent frequently to let them
know that you are available. If they have job listed on a web site,
go to check every day. If you find one matches your skills, call
the agent right away, email, phone or voice mail. Even if you are
not selected, they know that you are there.

Good luck.
Don't sweat it. The head hunter and you are on the same side: they want to sell you as much as you want to market yourself.
最初由 渐渐 发布
Don't sweat it. The head hunter and you are on the same side: they want to sell you as much as you want to market yourself.

she is right. what you should do is to boost their confidence about you by dressing and speaking professionally. you must give them as much impression as you could, you can clearly, briefly, precisly describe yourself, your strength, your professional background, and the work you have done, skip those normal ones, emphasize on the best ones you are most prond of. This way, they will remember you, and will market you as much as they could to sell you to an employer.

Follow up! Do not throw it behind, follow it up every half an month. This is as important as the interview itself is. A recruiter handles hundreds of candidates, you are just one of them. do not expect they can remember you. you have to often give him or her impression to boost your chance to see a real employer. How to follow up? call him/her is the best way. do not leave message, just call until you get him or her. just say hello, and ask how are things, is there any opportunate for you? staff like that. Do not be shy! Being shy will kill your chances!
不是我找猎头公司的, 是他们找我的.. 我只是看中了一份工作, 然后APPLY了这份工作, 但是这份工作是通过猎头公司发出来的.. 过了两天, HEAH HUNTER就打电话给我聊了几分钟, 然后让我去做DETAILED一点的INTERVIEW了.

请问是不是就一次INTERVIEW, HEAD HUNTER觉得合适的话我就得到这份工作了? 还是我还得去那个真正招人的公司里见一下面? :confused:

楼上的, 你去找工作的WEBSITE里面找, 太多工作是从HEAD HUNTER发出来的了. :cool:
If head hunter find you satisfactory, they'll introduce you to the hiring company, then your real ordeal begins. I wouldn't call this an interview, really, take it easy.
我去了这个所谓的INTERVIEW了. 大家说的对. 这根本不算什么INTERIVEW. 问几个非常简单的问题, 都是关于你以前做过什么. 你一边说, 她一边记录. 然后再测试你一下你的专业知识. 就没了!!

说如果觉得你的FILE适合某个公司, 就REFER你去那个公司, 还要重新面试笔试什么的! 那不是很多余吗? 我自己不会自己找合适的公司啊! 还要经过他这重?!

总结: 浪费时间!