• 主题发起人 主题发起人 terry
  • 开始时间 开始时间
最初由 sage 发布
Oh believe me I kinda figured that you are not a genius.
When you post something like this and it WILL affect a lot of people, do you think you should be more carefully in what you are saying? Or at the very least have the courtesy to state that "this is my own guess" or "this is from someone I know who heard it from a person whose husband works for Nortel in Wireless"?

This is just a newsgroup for people communicating with each other. While you are so strict to others, think who you are and did you do everything perfect? Be nice and calm down. Whether you get your laid off or not , it's not decided by terry. He's just providing information, and I believe he's worrying himself too. Take it easy!
No.1, I'm not venting at Terry just because Nortel will once again layoff more people, losing a job nowadays is almost one of the few life certainties. No.2, it's not a question of believing it or not, it is a question of clarity and taking responsibility for what you are saying! Take a look at those figures: 14%, 11%, 23%... they were misleadingly real to me. I'm not saying that Terry can't gossip, but stating that he was gossiping would help people like me looking elsewhere.
I heard those number from a friend in Nortel wireless too. Again, no comfirmation where it came from, but it's spreading everywhere in Nortel. There will be a wireless GIS next Wed., should be more infomation then.
Yes there will be a world-wide auditcast from Wireless early next week, until then no one really knows.
最初由 sage 发布
No.1, I'm not venting at Terry just because Nortel will once again layoff more people, losing a job nowadays is almost one of the few life certainties. No.2, it's not a question of believing it or not, it is a question of clarity and taking responsibility for what you are saying! Take a look at those figures: 14%, 11%, 23%... they were misleadingly real to me. I'm not saying that Terry can't gossip, but stating that he was gossiping would help people like me looking elsewhere.



不过我看给人打工总不是长久之计。还是先搞个HOME BUSINESS吧!
最初由 sage 发布
Could you at least state CLEARLY that this is your own guess?!
I really don't appreciate this kind of gossip. If that was an intelligent estimate, please have the courtesy to back what you said by evidence or a serious analysis. It was confusing, misleading, in short just a load of xxxx! Thanks for wasting my time!

你有病,为了你自己的身体健康,建议你到精神科做个彻底检查。:D :D
最初由 聂 小 倩 发布
对 呀 , 信 则 有 , 不 信 则 无 。 被 不 被 裁 自 己 决 定 不 了 , 何 必 把 气 出 在 别 人 身 上 。 再 说 , NORTEL 确 实 让 人 失 望 透 了 , 退 一 步 海 阔 天 空 , 被 才 了 说 不 定 有 新 的 CAREER CHANLENGE。
:cool: :cool:
小道消息是新闻封闭的结果。Nortel的事有点像开放前的中国。坏事从来都是无可奉告。Employee 不能接受新闻采访。裁人都是帮派斗争。小道消息不多才怪。还有,这小道消息十回有八回变成大道消息,小道消息传得不快才怪。
曾经是no news is bad news,
现在是no news is worse news, for sure, still couldn't see the bottom.
Thanks terry, for sharing those info with us. At least we could have some idea what it going to be.
最初由 dongbeitiger 发布
As Sage said, please provide the name of the analyst.

No Nortel employee knows what will happen next.

Gossip will do no one any good in this current period of hi-tec downturn.

Why make some people worry about things that are not sure to happen.

今天有人告诉我类似的数字,可能就是从这个post来的。 不过,看了这些数字的确给人好多的猜测。
How about today's wireless GIS? Did they mention anything about this around cut? Does it fit the data given above?
最初由 dongbeitiger 发布
I agree with your concept of online forum in general.

But there's a difference between good gossip and bad gossip:
- if you mention NT will skyrocket tomorrow, I will not believe, maybe it will give some NT holders a good night dream. No one will likely be hurt or bothered.

- but if you broadcast this unconfirmed job cut ratio, which I don't believe either till it's proved to be fact, but someone may, I said may, be troubled or bothered by it.( A simple exemple could be, a home wife sees this online, and worried about their house payment because his husband works in one of the badly affected division according to this ratio.)

Put it simply, there are some gossip that should not be broadcasted, it's the poster's responsibility to make the judgement.

And sorry 烂土豆, I don't think your judgement on this one is correct.

到底谁才有资格定义”good gossip and bad gossip"呢?是上帝,还是你,我,他呢?什么才叫“GOOD”,什么才叫“BAD”呢?你的“GOOD“和”BAD“跟1别人的都一样吗?所以我才问清楚到底要不要找个搞个律师办个什么公正手续才在这里发出消息。要是大家都认为有这必要的话,那我们以后都按这规矩办就好啦,这样也许可以减少许多误会。

至于谁要是觉得这里发的消息,都有可能是危言恐听的话,他(她)绝对可以选择不看不就行了坝。其实任何事情都有两面,就看你自己怎么去理解和判断。你举那例子其实是个很幼稚的问题。听到这样的坏消息,她完全可以选择信或者不信,或者半信半疑。不信的话,她可以照做她的饭,照住她的屋。信的话,既然”WORRY“,她可以为这有可能出现的危机做出相应的对策。要是她半信半半疑的话,也可以通过别的渠道,对这消息进一步确实。从这几种都有可能出现的情况来说,你就能说清楚,这消息对于那个(HOME WIFE)来说,是件好事还是坏事?你这不是武断是什么?

最初由 dewey 发布
How about today's wireless GIS? Did they mention anything about this around cut? Does it fit the data given above?

I heard from one guy from Wireless that 600-650 people will be cut from Wireless Division worldwide. How many people working in the Wireless is unknown.