
Lilo&Stitch are writing a letter to Competitive VB League convenor and Intramural Program Co-ordinator about the net height.

It has become a safty issue since two of our players has been smashed to their faces when performing blocking, one, especially, on the eyes wearing contact lens and sees black spots in the rest of game.

We will cc the letter to all of you, if you have further suggestion to the Competitive League, please bring your voice out!
How do you guys like this name? For our volleyball pre-club name. :)
Friday Drill -- Feb.11th,2005
Carleton Old Gym
8:00pm - 10:30pm

Details to be followed.
The Stefan-Boltzmann constant (also Stefan's constant), denoted with a Greek letter sigma σ, is a derivable physical constant, the constant of proportionality between the total energy radiated per unit surface area of a black body in unit time and the fourth power of the thermodynamic temperature, as per the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

Its value is 5.670 400(40) × 10-8 J s-1 m-2 K-4.

最初由 otaque 发布
The Stefan-Boltzmann constant (also Stefan's constant), denoted with a Greek letter sigma σ, is a derivable physical constant, the constant of proportionality between the total energy radiated per unit surface area of a black body in unit time and the fourth power of the thermodynamic temperature, as per the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

Its value is 5.670 400(40) × 10-8 J s-1 m-2 K-4.


Oh, that sucker! One of the interesting thing was our professor in China used to have a habbit to use the constant to torture us in calculating the black body temperature, say the sun's surface temprature, the warp engine's core temperature:D. After filling tons of miserable equations with such "σ"s, we usually ended up with a ridiculous result we don't even believe!

Hi, Vince, you graduated in system, didn't you?:lookaroun I was in Aerospace ;)
最初由 Stitch 发布

Oh, that sucker! One of the interesting thing was our professor in China used to have a habbit to use the constant to torture us in calculating the black body temperature, say the sun's surface temprature, the warp engine's core temperature:D. After filling tons of miserable equations with such "σ"s, we usually ended up with a ridiculous result we don't even believe!

Hi, Vince, you graduated in system, didn't you?:lookaroun I was in Aerospace ;)

Inspired by the Ode to Simplicity, Sigma, in its capital case(First one in the picture), is used in mathematic world as a symbol of "The sum of", a union of the different values joining in the big same category that gives a final value as a whole.
I would happily replace the different values with diversity of people joining this team physically and virtually over these years, and the big same category with ehthusiasm on volleyball, the final output is yet to come with time. A healthy and thriving team benefits all of us who are within.

The black space discussion fulfills the meaning of Sigma since it means "mystic power" in one of my favorite albums, I did not understand why it means mystic power until your discussions. Thanks!
最初由 Stitch 发布

Hi, Vince, you graduated in system, didn't you?:lookaroun I was in Aerospace ;)

Indeed I graduated in systems ... so please don't bully me with your advanced thermodynamics knowledge! :eek:

On the other hand, I can hold my own when it comes to astrophysics, string theories and hence warp core principles~ :D

Say, are you interested in going to the sidewalk astro at Chapeters@Ogilvie this sunday?
最初由 otaque 发布

Indeed I graduated in systems ... so please don't bully me with your advanced thermodynamics knowledge! :eek:

On the other hand, I can hold my own when it comes to astrophysics, string theories and hence warp core principles~ :D

Say, are you interested in going to the sidewalk astro at Chapeters@Ogilvie this sunday?

OAOG says Feb. 13th is the end of the dark sky week, 25-7 is the sidewalk show begin time......where did you get the message? By the way, when it usually starts? Is it very late? I am really interested in it, but we have games on Sunday......are you going to skip your Nortel league?:D
Sidewalk astro starts on 13th, and it usually depends on the weather during that week that they decide which day to bring the scopes out on. Everybody sets up normally an hour prior to sunset, as that's the best time to catch the transitional objects, again depending on the forecast.
Have you been to the sidewalk event or any of the dark sky obs? Chapters is great for getting the public's attention, but the parking lot lights really destroy any chance of deep sky object observations. Dark sky obs on the other hand are magnificent, you could catch clusters and magellan clouds even with a pair of lowly binocs.
Sounds like you have access to OAOG's mailing list, so let me know if you're interested, we'll find time to go this coming week.


*lay a course mr paris ... engage*