
Hi, team:

Just got this message from intramural office:
since the first game in this term was cancelled, in
order to make up all the games, schedule has been
changed after March 6th. What we got effected is on
March 6th and 20th.
March 6th 20:00 8 bits, one more game
March 20th 20:00 Qiu, one more game

The schedule is here:
check it out and make sure you will make it. Reply
this mail ASAP if you think you can't make it. We have
to find a way.
So is Team 8-bit gonna bribe Qui to let them win again, to allow them to stay in the race?
If so, we demand something substantial, like a nice dinner ...
最初由 otaque 发布
So is Team 8-bit gonna bribe Qui to let them win again, to allow them to stay in the race?
If so, we demand something substantial, like a nice dinner ...

Yeh!!!!We go dinner, you pay the bill:D

We have practice on this Friday:
Time: Mar. 11th, 2005, Friday, From 20:00 to 22:30
Location: Carleton GYM(old)

So far, we are doing fine in the league. If
everything goes well, both Team I and II play harder,
we are going to be in the play-off. :D

Be there on time, we need ppl to help us set up
the net. Thanks!

We have a practice on this Friday:
Time: Mar.18th, 2005, Friday, From 20:00
Location: Carleton GYM(old)
cost: $3/people (16+)

Come ealry!