精华 [问题] 宝宝的体温超过多少算发烧啊?急!~~~

最初由 不说了吧 发布

BTW, 不知孩子现在怎样了?还发烧不?
问Telehealth Ontario 的护士。 [/B][/QUOTE]

This phone no use at all, City ottawa's parent info line even better than this. My baby has fever over 40C(12month), I went to emergency,they still sent me home, the most important thing is try to lower the temp. by medicine.(my experience)
最初由 housewife 发布
问Telehealth Ontario 的护士。

This phone no use at all, City ottawa's parent info line even better than this. My baby has fever over 40C(12month), I went to emergency,they still sent me home, the most important thing is try to lower the temp. by medicine.(my experience) [/B][/QUOTE]:cool:

最初由 GoldMonkey 发布
一般去哪里看急诊好呢? 一定要去CHEO吗?

CHEO is really a bad place if just for fever, or regular cold. You have to wait for about 4 hours, and the Dr. would just talk about 4 minitues. And in their eyes, fever is such a normal thing, Talynor is their only answer if there is no other obverious symptoms. One time, my daughter had fever, bad diarrhea and vomit, also rash on her face and body, one yound doctor only told us, nothing wrong, just control her temperature. But later, it was found she got virus when we visited on the second day! The doctor in CHEO (some of them) are so bad, she even didn't tell us how to avoid the bad vomitting!

Walkin-clinic's doctors is more responsible, also I found the doctors in Queensway Hospital is good as well.
最初由 Jingle 发布

CHEO is really a bad place if just for fever, or regular cold. You have to wait for about 4 hours, and the Dr. would just talk about 4 minitues. And in their eyes, fever is such a normal thing, Talynor is their only answer if there is no other obverious symptoms. One time, my daughter had fever, bad diarrhea and vomit, also rash on her face and body, one yound doctor only told us, nothing wrong, just control her temperature. But later, it was found she got virus when we visited on the second day! The doctor in CHEO (some of them) are so bad, she even didn't tell us how to avoid the bad vomitting!

Walkin-clinic's doctors is more responsible, also I found the doctors in Queensway Hospital is good as well.

Virus 是当然的,只要小孩发烧。但是本地医生认为virus无药可治,只能等它自生自灭。我还是觉得CHEO的医生更适合小孩些.

去年送小孩去Queensway,当时高烧并已出现惊厥现象,Queensway验血之后说都是好的,让我们回家吃退烧药就好了,结果因为小孩体内有炎症,退烧药所持续的时间明显缩短,本来应该4-6 小时再吃第二次的,结果2-3个小时就又烧起来,而且体温上升的速度极快,导致小孩再次惊厥。立即送CHEO,并携带了前一次在Queensway的验血纪录,CHEO的医生一看就立即给消炎药了,说白血球指标很高,应该更早给药,如果那样,小孩可能就不会第二次惊厥了。用药之后不到一天,烧就退了。真后悔一开始就该去CHEO.此次经历让我很震惊,医生居然连血项的指标都看不对,后来想会不会是小孩和大人的有些不同才会导致Queensway的医生认为并无大碍。总之以后自己一定要多些常识,学会自己看指标,并记得向医生索要验血结果,以便参考"second opinion"。
最初由 BlahBlah 发布

Be very careful if the child's tempreture is higher for several days and tempreture goes up and down from time to time. Ususally, if the tempreture has been down for more than one day without any medcine and it goes up again, it means infection happens.Check the child if he/che is feeling very tired or the breathe frequency is about or over 40 times per min. If it is, go to hospital! Don't be too easy to believe that the doctor said nothing was wrong with the child.

And how's your son now?
在这里看急诊,真是你急他不急,我儿子快1岁半时第一次发烧,刚开始是38度多,只在家给他吃退烧药,后来到了晚上39度,我就开始担心了,马上去了Queensway hospital,等了3个多小时才轮到,医生说是Virus,也只是叮嘱吃泰林诺&退烧药,不过份量到了3岁要求,还要多喝水.连续4天烧还不能完全退掉,又去Queensway hospital一趟,这次很幸运,1个多小时就轮到了,医生也是说Virus,继续吃退烧药,如果再不退就转到儿童医院吊针,幸亏后来退烧了,当紧接着发现我儿子脸上出现红色的点点,看了家庭医生说是"玫瑰疹",从脸开始长,长到脚就会好的了,不用吃药,多喝水.


