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    穆米亚・阿布・贾迈尔(Mumia Abu Jamal),美国黑豹党
  桑蒂阿塔・阿科利(Sundiata Acoli),美国黑豹党,美国黑人解放军
  查克・阿非利加(Chuck Africa), MOVE
  黛比・阿非利加(Debbie Africa), MOVE
  戴尔伯特・阿非利加(Delbert Africa),美国黑豹党,MOVE
  艾迪・阿非利加(Eddie Africa), MOVE
  简奈特・阿非利加(Janet Africa), MOVE
  简奈恩・阿非利加(Janine Africa), MOVE
  墨尔・阿非利加(Merle Africa), MOVE
  迈克・阿非利加(Mike Africa), MOVE
  非尔・阿非利加(Phil Africa), MOVE
  西尔维亚・巴拉尔蒂尼(Silvia Baraldini),“五・一九”运动
  赫尔曼・贝尔(Herman Bell),美国黑豹党,美国黑人解放军
  海迪・贝尔特兰(Haydee Beltran),民族解放军
  菲利普・贝里根牧师(Father Phillip Berrigan)
  哈尼夫・沙巴兹・贝(Hanif Shabazz Bey)
  维隆萨・包尔斯(Veronza Bowers),美国黑豹党
  凯西・布丁(Kathy Boudin),反对美帝国主义
  玛利林・巴克(Marilyn Buck),反对美帝国主义
  珠迪・克拉克(Judy Clark),反对美帝国主义
  马歇尔・艾迪・康维(Marshall Eddie Conway),美国黑豹党
  马克・库克(Mark Cook),乔治・杰克逊纵队
  艾德温・科尔特兹(Edwin Cortez),民族解放军
  比尔・都恩(Bill Dunne),反权威
  伊利萨姆・埃斯科巴尔(Elizam Escobar),民族解放军
  林达・埃文斯(Linda Evans),反对美帝国主义
  罗曼・其普・菲兹杰拉尔德(Romaine Chip Fitzgerald),美国黑豹党
  拉里・吉丁斯(Larry Giddings),反权威
  戴维・吉尔伯特(David Gilbert),反对美帝国主义
  阿卜杜尔・哈克(Abdul Haqq),“十二月十二日”运动
  巴西尔・哈米德(Bashir Hameed),美国黑豹党,美国黑人解放军
  小弗莱德・汉普顿(Fred Hamption, Jr),全国人民民主乌呼鲁运动
  泰迪・贾・西斯(Teddy ‘Jah‘ Heath),美国黑豹党,美国黑人解放军
  罗伯特・赛斯・黑斯(Robert Seth Hayes),美国黑豹党,美国黑人解放军
  里卡多・西米内斯(Ricardo Jimenez),民族解放军
  塞考・辛克・卡布伊(Sekou Cinque Kambui),新非洲共和国
  尤・木村(Yu Kukimuru),日本红军
  贾安・卡尔・拉曼(Jaan Karl Laaman),联合自由阵线
  蒙多・兰伽(戴维・赖斯),(Mondo Langa (David Rice))美国黑豹党
  雷蒙德・勒瓦塞尔(Raymond Levasseur),联合自由阵线
  欧乔尔・鲁塔罗(Ojore Lutalo),美国黑人解放军
  阿卜杜尔・马吉德(Abdul Majid),美国黑豹党,美国黑人解放军
  汤姆・曼宁(Tom Manning),联合自由阵线
  阿多尔佛・马托斯(Adolfo Matos),民族解放军
  吉哈德・阿卜杜尔・姆米特(Jihad Abdul Mumit),美国黑豹党,美国黑人解放
  拉姆西・姆尼兹(Ramsey Muniz),奇坎诺族民权运动
  贾吉尔・蒙塔昆(Jalil Muntaquin),美国黑豹党,美国黑人解放军
  安东尼奥・卡马丘・内格隆(Antonio Camacho Negron),马切特罗斯
  塞科・欧丁伽(Sekou Odinga),美国黑豹党,美国黑人解放军
  迪尔西亚・帕根(Dylcia Pagan),民族解放军
  胡安・赛伽拉・帕尔默(Juan Segarra Palmer),马切特罗斯
  列奥那德・配尔提尔(Leonard Peltier),美国印第安人运动
  艾德・波因德克斯特(Ed Poindexter),美国黑豹党
  奥斯卡・洛佩斯・里维拉(Oscar Lopez Rivera),民族解放军
  阿尔伯托・罗德里格斯(Alberto Rodriquez),民族解放军
  阿里莎・罗德里格斯(Alicia Rodriquez),民族解放军
  伊达・鲁斯・罗德里格斯(Ida Luz Rodriquez),民族解放军
  路易斯・罗莎(Luis Rosa),民族解放军
  科乔・波马尼・萨巴布(Kojo Bomani Sababu),美国黑人解放军
  姆图鲁・沙库尔(Mutulu Shakur),美国黑人解放军
  罗素尔・马隆・授兹(Russell ‘Maroon‘ Shoats),美国黑豹党
  阿雷杭德里那・托雷斯(Alejandrina Torres),民族解放军
  卡洛斯・阿尔伯托・托雷斯(Carlos Alberto Torres),民族解放军
  卡门・瓦伦汀(Carmen Valentin),民族解放军
  托马斯・华纳(Thomas Warner),美国黑豹党
  阿尔伯特・纳・华盛顿(Albert ‘Nuh‘ Washington),美国黑豹党,美国黑人解
  劳拉・外特亨(Laura Whitehorn), 反对美帝国主义
  里查德・威廉斯(Richard Williams),联合自由阵线
  “站立的鹿”・罗伯特・威尔逊(Standing Deer Robert Wilson):北美原驻民

  穆米亚・阿布・贾迈尔(Mumia Abu-Jamal):新闻记者,曾是美国黑豹党党员,被捕时是美国全国黑人记者协会主席。一九八一年十一月九日被警察枪击后被捕,一九八二年以谋杀警察为名被判死刑。很多人认为贾迈尔的审判过程不公正,他被判死刑的真正原因是由于他是反对警察暴力、保卫工人权利的活跃分子。一九九五年宾西法尼亚州州长所下的对他执行死刑的法令在上万人示威反对的情况下被迫取消。当年审判时的起诉方证人维罗尼卡・琼斯现在承认,她当时是在警察的威胁和引诱下提供证词的。有关组织要求宾州法院重新审理该案。目前贾迈尔仍是死刑待决犯。
  西尔维亚・巴拉尔蒂尼(Silvia Baraldini):现年四十八岁,是意大利公民,已被监禁十六年。她于一九八四年被判四十年徒刑,罪名是抢劫未遂,以及协助犯人逃跑。但两项罪名都很难成立。巴拉尔蒂尼青少年时来到美国。在六、七十年代,她积极参加妇女运动、反对越战运动,并支持黑人的解放运动、波多黎各独立运动和南部非洲解放运动。她从一九八二年起就被监禁,美国政府关押
  她的目的是为了惩罚她参加政治活动,并企图使她改变政治信仰。她在狱中仍然积极支持黑人人权活动、揭露联邦调查局的“反情报计划”(COINTELPRO,一项搜捕暗杀进步组织和人士的非法行动)。她因为拒绝为调查波多黎各独立运动作证,而被加刑三年。在长达两年期间,巴拉尔蒂尼和其它两个政治犯阿雷杭德里那・托雷斯(Alejandrina Torres)和苏珊・罗森堡(Susan Rosenberg)被当成一项“单独监禁”的试验对象,这项试验在国际和国内人权运动的压力下被迫停止。巴拉尔蒂尼在狱中患癌症,却得不到及时和充分的治疗。

 小弗莱德・汉普顿(Fred Hamption, Jr):是芝加哥著名的黑豹党领袖弗莱德・汉普顿之子,因被警察设下的圈套以纵火罪判刑十八年。一九六九年十二月四日,芝加哥警察和联邦调查局人员将弗莱德・汉普顿在家中杀害。小弗莱德的母亲阿库阿・恩杰里幸存,两个星期后生下小弗莱德。一九九一年,阿库阿・恩杰里成为“全国人民民主乌呼鲁(意为自由)运动”的主席,小弗莱德・汉普顿成为芝加哥支部的主席,并在芝加哥积极组织黑人社区的活动。将小弗莱德・汉普顿定罪监禁的多次企图失败后,美国联邦调查局终于在一九九二年五月十一日将他逮捕。设圈套将他定罪的主谋“格鲁比西奇司令”正是参与谋杀老弗莱德・汉普顿的警察之一。审判过程中汉普顿和他的母亲被反复追问他们的政治信仰。
  拉姆西・姆尼兹(Ramsey Muniz),律师,六十年代和七十年代在德克萨斯州参加奇坎诺族(墨西哥在美国的移民)的民权运动,一九七二年以“民族团结党”候选人的身份参加德州的州长竞选,赢得了二十多万张选票,对大资本所把持的德州政治造成巨大冲击。一九七四年,姆尼兹被以拥有毒品的罪名逮捕,随后“民族团结党”被瓦解,这实际上是联邦调查局“反情报计划”破坏进步组织、迫害进步活动家的一部分。姆尼兹于一九八四年获释,但于一九九四年再次被捕,罪名是拥有毒品,但姆尼兹表示,这个罪名是捏造的。姆尼兹被判无期徒刑,而且终身不得假释,现在被关押在坎萨斯州利文沃斯监狱。
  列奥那德・配尔提尔(Leonard Peltier):美洲原驻民、“美国印第安人运动”的活动家。配尔提尔已经被监禁二十一年,罪名是杀死了两名联邦调查局人员,但这项指控被发现是编造的。一九七五年六月二十六日,联邦调查局在南达科他州松岭印第安人保护区实施袭击。六十多名“美国印第安人运动”成员被杀害。两百多名该组织活动家被罗织以各种罪名加以起诉。联邦调查局以威胁的手段从一位根本不认识配尔提尔的人的口中逼出了指控他的证词。这位证人现在已收回了自己的证词。配尔提尔被判无期徒刑。他反复上诉要求重审,都无结果。最新透露出的联邦调查局材料显示,指控配尔提尔的证据根本不存在。自从八十年代以来,来自全世界各国的关心者,包括数百名各国国会议员参加了要求释放配尔提尔的运动。“保卫配尔提尔委员会”呼吁克林顿总统赦免配尔提尔,并请求国会调查联邦调查局针对“美国印第安人运动”和其它进步组织所展开的秘密战争。
  “站立的鹿”・罗伯特・威尔逊(Standing Deer Robert Wilson):现年七十多岁,是为北美原驻民和犯人的权利而奔走的活动家。二十年前在监狱中时,美国联邦政府曾要他参与一起谋杀“美国印第安人运动”的领袖列奥那德・配尔提尔的密谋,作为释放他的交换条件。“站立的鹿”拒绝了这个交易,并将这个计划公布于众。他目前被监禁的理由是因为写了一首诗,这首诗被当局指控为“恐怖主义”。“站立的鹿”说,那首诗并不是他写的,而是几年前发表在一本书里的有关政治犯的一首诗歌。



Jericho '98: Demand Amnesty for Political Prisoners
Revolutionary Worker #938, December 28, 1997

Joshua fought the battle of
Jericho, Jericho, Jericho,
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
and the walls came tumbling down.

This year, the words of an old spiritual resonate in an important campaign demanding amnesty and freedom for political prisoners in the United States--Jericho '98. In the words of the organizers, Jericho '98 is a "national education and mobilization campaign designed to: 1) educate the people about the existence of political prisoners and prisoners of war in the U.S.; 2) gain support for these political prisoners and prisoners of war; 3) [force] the U.S. government to recognize and acknowledge their existence; and 4) win amnesty and freedom for all political prisoners and prisoners of war in this country."

The Jericho '98 Amnesty Campaign will climax with a rally and march on the White House on Saturday, March 27, 1998.

Jericho '98 is spearheaded by the New Afrikan Liberation Front, a formation which includes several radical and revolutionary nationalist trends, including the New Afrikan Peoples' Organization, December 12th Movement, and prominent revolutionary activists Geronimo Ji Jaga and Herman Ferguson. The R&R! Executive Council, the National Coordinating Committee of the October 22nd Coalition and RCP national spokesperson Carl Dix have joined the list of endorsers of Jericho '98 which include fighters for Puerto Rican national independence as well as anti-imperialist supporters of the revolutionary nationalist movements.

Like death-row prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal and Geronimo Ji Jaga--whose recent release brought much public attention to the gross injustices perpetrated by the U.S. government against political prisoners--many of the prisoners on the Jericho '98 list are victims of COINTELPRO political police operations of the late 1960s and '70s. While the United States continues to deny the existence of political prisoners, these sisters and brothers have spent decades behind bars because they dared to fight against oppression.

The stories of these prisoners in the Jericho '98 literature tell of a vicious power structure out to stop revolutionaries and anti-imperialists by any means at their disposal: "Manufacturing evidence, forging documents, dis and misinformation campaigns, agents and infiltrators, destruction and/or suppression of evidence that might be beneficial to defense teams."

"Veronza Bowers joined the U.S. Navy directly out of high school in 1964. When he returned home from service he was carrying the little Red Book and quoting Chairman Mao. By 1968 he and another individual had organized the Omaha Chapter of the Black Panther Party. The other individual was later found to have been an agent of the Omaha Police Dept. Veronza was arrested, charged and convicted of the murder of a park ranger. The only witnesses for the prosecution were two drug dealers, one of whom was rewarded for his testimony to the tune of $10,000 and an automobile. Credible witnesses place Veronza in another part of town at the time of the murder. He has spent 26 years in the federal prison system."

"Marshall Eddie Conway has been in prison since April 1970. Twenty-six years ago he was arrested and charged with the fatal shooting of a Baltimore police officer and the attempted murder of two other policemen. At the time of his arrest, he was a leading member of the Black Panther Party.... The case against Eddie relied entirely on the testimonies of a paid jailhouse informant and a police officer. There was no physical evidence linking Eddie to the crime and there were no other witnesses."

"Sekou Cinque Kambui--a citizen of the Provisional Government - Republic of New Afrika and affiliated with the Black Panther Party--was arrested on January 2, 1975 and charged with the murders of two white men: one a KKK official out of Tuscaloosa, Alabama and the other a multi-millionaire oil man out of Birmingham, Alabama. He was convicted of both murders and sentenced to two consecutive life sentences. Sekou had been a thorn in the side of the government because of his extensive organizing work that crossed a large section of the movement from SCLC, CORE to SNCC. He coordinated community organizing activity with the Alabama Black Liberation Front, the Inmates for Action (IFA) Defense Committee and the Afro-American People's Party in the mid-'70s. He has been in prison for 22 years."

"The New York 3 are Albert `Nuh' Washington, Anthony `Jalil' Bottom and Herman Bell. Jalil and Nuh have been incarcerated since 1971 and Herman has been incarcerated since 1973. This case goes all the way to the Nixon White House under a program of COINTELPRO called NEWKILL. Although the NY3 were tried and convicted in a New York State court for the murder of two New York City police officers, the orchestration of this case was designed in the White House with the help of J. Edgar Hoover's FBI. The NY3 continuously contended that they were being set up and framed, but were not allowed to raise this during trial because they had no evidence.... It wasn't until after the Church Commission hearings on the FBI covert domestic operations were held that the existence of COINTELPRO was confirmed and they found out about the extent of the government's program and actions and their allegations were confirmed. Ballistic evidence that had been under wraps was revealed. Lies told by police officers were revealed...yet the NY3 are still in prison as they have been for the past 26 years (Nuh and Jalil) and 24 years (Herman)."

The defense of these prisoners is closely linked up with defending the right to self-determination of Black people, the struggle for Puerto Rican independence from U.S. colonial domination, and the struggle of oppressed nationalities against their oppression. Among the prisoners are Alejandrina Torres and Carmen Valentin of the Armed Forces for National Liberation of Puerto Rico (FALN), Leonard Peltier of AIM, Janine Phillips Africa of MOVE, Sekou Odinga of the Black Liberation Army, Sundiata Acoli of the Black Panther Party and BLA, Jaan Karl Laaman of the United Freedom Front, and Marilyn Buck of the RATF.

Most of these political prisoners were indicted on charges involving armed actions, and the persecution and severe sentences for those who have dared to struggle in this way are outrageous and outstanding features of the U.S. justice system. The U.S. imperialists, whose entire history runs with the blood of oppressed nationalities, have absolutely no right to imprison anyone who is fighting for self-determination, national liberation, or against national oppression generally.

Jericho '98 can be an important force in shining a light on just how many people are imprisoned in the U.S. today for the "crime" of fighting U.S. imperialism. Jericho '98 can help to set standards for the new generation in supporting revolutionaries who are persecuted by the system, including those who take up arms against injustice. Jericho '98 can also help break down the isolation of these prisoners, and if the demonstration is powerful and impressive, it can help change some of the terms that dominate inside the prisons where so many proletarian youth are now warehoused--giving the "resistance" trend more initiative in comparison to gangsterism, self-help capitalists schemes and so on. And Jericho '98 can help advance the concrete battles to free the political prisoners, including the very important battle to free Mumia Abu-Jamal.

The list of political prisoners and prisoners of war includes:

Mumia Abu-Jamal--BPP
Sundiata Acoli--BPP, BLA
Chuck Africa--MOVE
Debbie Africa--MOVE
Delbert Africa--BPP, MOVE
Eddie Africa--MOVE
Janet Africa--MOVE
Janine Africa--MOVE
Merle Africa--MOVE
Mike Africa--MOVE
Phil Africa--MOVE
Silvia Baraldini--M19
Herman Bell--BPP, BLA
Haydee Beltran--FALN
Father Phillip Berrigan
Hanif Shabazz Bey
Anthony "Jalil" Bottom--BPP, BLA
Veronza Bowers--BPP
Kathy Boudin--NAAI
Marilyn Jean Buck--NAAI
Judy Clark--NAAI
Marshall Eddie Conway--BPP
Mark Cook--GJB
Edwin Cortez--FALN
Bill Dunne--AA
Elizam Escobar--FALN
Linda Evans--RATF
Romaine "Chip" Fitzgerald--BPP
Larry Giddings--UFF
David Gilbert--RATF
Abdul Haqq--December 12th
Bashir Hameed--BPP, BLA
Teddy "Jah" Heath--BPP, BLA
Robert "Seth" Hayes--BPP, BLA
Ricardo Jimenez--FALN
Sekou Cinque Kambui--PG-RNA
Yu Kukimuru--JRA
Jaan Karl Laaman--UFF
Raymond Levasseur--UFF
Ojore Lutalo--BLA
Abdul Majid--BPP, BLA
Tom Manning--UFF
Adolfo Matos--FALN
Jihad Abdul Mumit--BPP, BLA
Jalil Muntaquin--BPP,BLA
Antonio Camacho Negro--Macheteros*
Sekou Odinga--BPP, BLA
Dylcia Pagan--FALN
Juan Segarra Palmer--Macheteros
Leonard Peltier--AIM
Ed Poindexter--BPP
Oscar Lopez Rivera--FALN
Alberto Rodriguez--FALN
Alicia Rodriguez--FALN
Ida Luz Rodriguez--FALN
Luis Rosa--FALN
Kojo Bomani Sababu--UFF
Mutulo Shakur--BLA
Russell "Maroon" Shoats--BPP
Alejandrina Torres--FALM
Carlos Alberto Torres--FALN
Carmen Valentin--FALN
Thomas Warner--BPP
Albert "Nuh" Washington--BPP, BLA
Laura Whitehorn--RATF
Richard Williams--UFF *recently released
Explanation of Initials:
AIM--American Indian Movement
BPP--Black Panther Party
BLA Black Liberation Army
D12--December 12th Movement
FALN--Armed Forces for National Liberation (in Spanish)
GJB--George Jackson Brigade
M19--May 19th Communist Organization
NAAI--North American Anti-Imperialist
PG-RNA--Provisional Government of the Republic of New Afrika
UFF--United Freedom Front


This article is posted in English and Spanish on Revolutionary Worker Online


