
最初由 liuian_119 发布

Why it is not good? What if she is not happy about the smell of chinese food that so many our chinese people bring to work? Quit chinese food?

I agree though, it is impolite to speak chinese to your chinese friends while local people joins conversation.

I never felt I had problem with my classmates speak their dialects, like people from Fujian, Guangdong, even Anhui is hard to understand.

Just curious, do you speak a dialect that other people can't understand? I sometimes feel that people who against other to speak dialect, are usually the ones who don't speak any dialect that is very different from Mandarin...
the phrase "visible minority" really bugs me. Are we really minorty? what if from the global view?
how many people are non-white in the world?
最初由 Broken Arrow 发布

Why it is not good? What if she is not happy about the smell of chinese food that so many our chinese people bring to work? Quit chinese food?

I agree though, it is impolite to speak chinese to your chinese friends while local people joins conversation.

I never felt I had problem with my classmates speak their dialects, like people from Fujian, Guangdong, even Anhui is hard to understand.

Just curious, do you speak a dialect that other people can't understand? I sometimes feel that people who against other to speak dialect, are usually the ones who don't speak any dialect that is very different from Mandarin...

man, couldn't love u more.:smokin:
最初由 cutecute 发布
我今天公司的老外同事, 跟我聊天的时候, 还说发觉我们中国人歧视他们白人呢! 我晕.. 我问, 你怎么那么想? 她说, 因为我们中国同事在一起的时候, 就用中国话交谈, 这样不好. 因为她在旁边工作, 我们应该说英文... 否则, 就是歧视他们, 不尊重他们. 我说, 我们没有那个意思, 是因为英文不是我们的母语. 看到中国人很自然就会说中文. 她说, 但这是在加拿大, 在加拿大就必须得说英文.. :rolleyes:


首先,跟他(她)说: 我非常正式地,郑重地告诉阁下,我们没有对您产生任何歧视。任何歧视以及不友好的行为,都是我们不愿看到的。如果我们的行为对您产生了不好的影响的话,我郑重地向您道歉(用sorry,不是apologize)!而且声明对您产生的不便只是一个误会。
