N nicesnow 新手上路 注册 2003-10-27 消息 253 荣誉分数 2 声望点数 0 2004-12-09 #1 Anyone knows where it is. Phone and address. I can not find it on the web-site.
R Randy007 新手上路 注册 2005-04-17 消息 76 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-04-23 #2 最初由 nicesnow 发布 Anyone knows where it is. Phone and address. I can not find it on the web-site. 点击展开... I can tell you. but,you need to give me a reson first.
最初由 nicesnow 发布 Anyone knows where it is. Phone and address. I can not find it on the web-site. 点击展开... I can tell you. but,you need to give me a reson first.
☆NightWolf☆ 开坛元勋]兼[金钻长老 VIP 注册 2004-10-04 消息 4,627 荣誉分数 16 声望点数 0 2005-04-23 #3 Re: Re: where is 耿丽娟国际乒乓球俱乐部? 最初由 Randy007 发布 I can tell you. but,you need to give me a reson first. 点击展开... ?????????
Re: Re: where is 耿丽娟国际乒乓球俱乐部? 最初由 Randy007 发布 I can tell you. but,you need to give me a reson first. 点击展开... ?????????
P playman 知名会员 注册 2003-09-22 消息 322 荣誉分数 15 声望点数 128 2005-09-15 #4 I'm looking for her's contact as well. Who can help to post? Thanks in advance.
B babykiss 新手上路 注册 2003-12-21 消息 262 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 0 2005-09-30 #6 ?really?? 最初由 Auber 发布 Her club is in the basement of her home 点击展开...
0 0007 知名会员 注册 2005-03-31 消息 1,125 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 196 2005-10-02 #7 最初由 nicesnow 发布 Anyone knows where it is. Phone and address. I can not find it on the web-site. 点击展开... that's my sister, call this number: 829-6643 my parents will tell you her new number. club is in her basement, house is big enough for a few tables. good luck.
最初由 nicesnow 发布 Anyone knows where it is. Phone and address. I can not find it on the web-site. 点击展开... that's my sister, call this number: 829-6643 my parents will tell you her new number. club is in her basement, house is big enough for a few tables. good luck.
0 0007 知名会员 注册 2005-03-31 消息 1,125 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 196 2005-10-12 #8 Re: Re: where is 耿丽娟国际乒乓球俱乐部? 最初由 0007 发布 that's my sister, call this number: 829-6643 my parents will tell you her new number. club is in her basement, house is big enough for a few tables. good luck. 点击展开... did you find it yet?
Re: Re: where is 耿丽娟国际乒乓球俱乐部? 最初由 0007 发布 that's my sister, call this number: 829-6643 my parents will tell you her new number. club is in her basement, house is big enough for a few tables. good luck. 点击展开... did you find it yet?
陈 陈宾 新手上路 注册 2005-12-03 消息 2 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-12-03 #9 0007,你是耿海涛吗,我是陈宾啊。我正在到处找你,我的电话是办公室0833 2427852,手机是13908133434,邮箱是chenbin601@126.com,qq 512721187 ,我老婆在加拿大。我想找你聊聊。请回话。
0007,你是耿海涛吗,我是陈宾啊。我正在到处找你,我的电话是办公室0833 2427852,手机是13908133434,邮箱是chenbin601@126.com,qq 512721187 ,我老婆在加拿大。我想找你聊聊。请回话。