Re: Re: 昨天请教了考车中速度问题,今天顺利通过,有点经验和大家共享。
最初由 FallColor 发布
You are extremely lucky, because:
. It is a warning sign, you should be able to know without him warning you
* Warn you again for the speed. That's very nice.
Mine never warn me anything.he fail me because I slow down too early when I exit the highway!!! If I am have your examer, I will pass.
Yes, I hope I was lucky meeting a nice examinor. But the lady just failed the person before I.
But it seems to me that since it is a warning sign and the traffic light is not far away, i don't think it is a big fault if I reduce the speed a litte bit earlier on the ramp. Otherwise, why put the sign? Suppose if you pass a 40km warning sign at 70km or 65km, what will happend. Are you sure there is no problem when you are taking a road test?.
Also, I would like to explain that I exit the highway at exactly 80km. It is until I came to the ramp that I started to release the brake. At this time, the examinor said the ramp is still 80km. But I do not think this is a fault serious enough to lead to a failure.
In additon, I had a special situation yesterday. When I entered the ramp the first time, it was snowing. The traffic on the highway was actually 65km something. To avoid to be failed, I tried my best to get on the highway as fast as I could. The actual speed at which I entered was about 75km. I had to brake right after I got on the way. It was amazing.
Oh, another interesting thing. There were two times when I came to a stop sign. I stopped for 2-3 seconds, moved on and tried to watch carefully before I went ahead. Frankly, I did it perfectly. But the examinor seemed to be inpatient and said to me "go ahead, go ahead". Oh, my god. At that time, I was really worried about my fate. Haha...
Basically, I feel that unless you made a big mistake, the examiner would not fail you so simply because of a single or several minor errors. Although some examinors may be more tough, the most decisive is the driving skill not the examinor.