

我好迷惘啊! 买了$2500+ 的旅行PACKAGE下个星期去美国, 今天居然收到工作面试通知也在下个星期!! 我怎么样吧?! 那个旅行PACKAGE是不可以REFUND的.. 通知面世的公司也说如果下个星期不去就有可能失去这个面世机会了.

我该怎么办?! :(
最初由 cutecute 发布
我好迷惘啊! 买了$2500+ 的旅行PACKAGE下个星期去美国, 今天居然收到工作面试通知也在下个星期!! 我怎么样吧?! 那个旅行PACKAGE是不可以REFUND的.. 通知面世的公司也说如果下个星期不去就有可能失去这个面世机会了.

我该怎么办?! :(
call HR, reschedule interview ASAP.
Call the company and let them know you have plan going on a trip next week, and ask if they can postpone the interview after you come back or have the interview before you left for the trip. Most companies will accomodate this kind of situation. If they cannot make other alternatives, then you may want to tell them you really would like to attend the interview; but the circumstances won't allow you to do so; and thank them for the consideration.
我已经打电话了.. 我想RESCHEDULE到再下个星期.. 但是他说可能不行. 说他们很可能要在DECEMBER内MAKE DECISION. 哎! 我好难过啊. 这个面世我可是期待了很久了. 笔试也过了. 但是如果要我放弃$2,500的TRAVEL PACKAGE我觉得不值得啊! 因为没人可以肯定我的那个INTERVIEW可不可以成功. :(
上帝阿!!! 我跟你有过一模一样的情形。
最初由 FallColor 发布
上帝阿!!! 我跟你有过一模一样的情形。

那你是怎么选择的啊?!?! 我现在心情好差啊!
去 面 试 . 如 果 有 了 工 作 第 一 个 月 2500就 回 来 了 , 有 了 母 鸡 还 愁 没 有 蛋 么 . :blowzy:

另 外 去 找 Travel Agent的 Manager, 力 争 延 期 .
最初由 Wu Sansan 发布
去 面 试 . 如 果 有 了 工 作 第 一 个 月 2500就 回 来 了 , 有 了 母 鸡 还 愁 没 有 蛋 么 . :blowzy:

另 外 去 找 Travel Agent的 Manager, 力 争 延 期 .

一是, TRAVEL AGENT的别想了. TRAVEL PACKAGE就是那样的, 一但买了就是FIXED的. 时间地点金钱都不可以改变. 否则就是白给钱.

二是, 如果选择面世, 谁知道一定成功啊? 如果不成功, 那不就等于用$2,500买了这个面世? 还只是面世的锻炼机会而已!

哎. :(
if i were you, i would choose interview. you could get money back, but you couldn't get chance back
最初由 cutecute 发布

那你是怎么选择的啊?!?! 我现在心情好差啊!

Not to mention my choice! I don't know if I should regret it:(

I don't want to give advice because:
1. If you are influence by my advice and later turn out regretting it, you will blame me and ultimately blaming yourself.
2. There are no right or wrong choice here: If you give up the package and go for the interview but turn out not getting the job - you will regret it. If you don't interview, after you come back and have to look for job again, you will regret it.

The best scenario is you take the interview and get the job. so the question is: what do you think of your chance? how much you like the job?
不是有信心就一定可以成功的. 我比较看重我给的$2500. 毕竟是平时辛苦赚来的钱.