
如果那家公司对你真的感兴趣,不会一点都不通融.还有,难道TRACEL PACKAGE转让不行吗? 我就不信世界上有这么希奇的事.
这没有什么希奇的. 买PACKAGE那天TRAVEL AGENT就那么跟我说了. 定了就不可以REFUND. 而且机票也已经出了.

公司要人要的急. 说要在CHRISTMAS之前就决定. 所以不能答应我的要求.
一个星期有7天呢~ 不会那么巧在同一天吧?? 如果真那么巧,还是去旅游拉~~ 面试是一半的机会,,,万一没有成功,这个机会等于2500块钱,自己怎么想都想不通的。。。心理会有个疙瘩,,多难受啊~~
I think you should go to travel, but let company know that you were work too hard in the past few months, so you planed to travel and relax yourself, you know if you sacrified you travel for unknown thing, the future company may think you are desperate for the job. If you be able to give them a hint that you are good. then they have to wait for you, that is not a big deal for a company. if you push you irationally, then it means they do not care about you. My first Job, my company wait for me 2 months after interview..I told I have to get my job done before go, this is my rule. people respect other who has own respect and rule. never band over for thing you do know. unless, insider tell you, youwill get the job, just politely and firmly explain to them. they have to make choice, not you!
***never band over for thing you do know. unless, insider tell you, youwill get the job, just politely and firmly explain to them. they have to make choice, not you!
never band over for thing you do NOT know. unless, insider tell you, you will get the job, FOR NOW, just politely and firmly explain to them. they have to make choice, not you!
人有时是要搏一搏的,机会青睐有勇有谋的人。如果你非常想要这个工作,而且match the job description(你不是通过了笔试么),看看你赢的把握有多大。2500 挣来不容易,但多年后当你挣了N个2500,这一个2500就算不了什么了(只当买了股票丢在水里了)。:blowzy:

呵呵,实在决定不了左也难右也难,还有一招,掷硬币吧,看天意。:rolleyes: 如果决定去玩,就不要想Interview的事了,小女子何患无工作,迟早的事。:smokin:
我现在就有一份工作的.. 不过做的绝对不是我喜欢的工作. 所以想换另一份比较对我胃口的.
Maybe you can transfer your package to someone else?

as title
如果我是你,我会选择面试,因为我有可能把我损失的钱赚回来;如果选择玩,我肯定没有机会把面试赚回来。再说,玩的机会以后总归有的。 试试转让你的旅游package吧。
不可以TRANSFER. 连机票上都是我的名字. 而且已经到了LAST MINUTE, 没可能打别的主意了.
good luck for everything
last say, I think you should not need to be so difficult for yourself. a simple question, if you sacrify 2500 for just an interview with this job, what should you sacrify for the real job? yourself? so, the conclusion is, enjoy yourself, do not need to show your desperation. If you are the type of person just is the company looking for, they company will wait for you. Else, center yourself all the time.