
Re: l论一国两制

最初由 ding-sheng 发布


remember, you are in china, it is either a united one power democracy, or multi-power unstable/war situation. tripoly may work for a few years, or even 10s of years, but in long term, it will create worse trouble than ever.
Re: l论一国两制

最初由 ding-sheng 发布
Mr. FallColor:



how much do you know about 6/4? do you know how much affort they didn't not to use military force? DO you know how many innocent soldiers died from the attack of the students before even one student get hurt!!! There is a limit of everything, and when it is over the edge, nothing is tolerable. The dead students deserve it. They don't even know what they are doing!!! They are shacking the stabeness of the country!!!

besides, they are doing the shit in the Tian'an Square, which is the face to the world. Think what other country will think of China? At the time, china was just recovered from the culture revolution, everything was gettting back on track. That is a very bad news to parties planning conspiricy. Image the damage it would have done if it last a bit longer. Are you going to sit/stand here in front of the computer and bullshit about all this crap?
I am under 正黄, I don't like the Replubics or communists at all, cuz they took over our country. But I wouldn't hate them either, because the weakness of our people can't defend our country!!!

as the human society advances, the old system must the abandon, and replaced by a new system. That is what happened at the beginning of 20th century. the new system is never a perfect system, imprefection exist for big. But it is a better system, and that is why it replaces the old system.

It is a freak huge shame on all of our race, to lose our country. But it is even more shamed when the last empire was dummied for the japanese. We lost means we didn't do good enough, so face that.

I don't like the commy at all, they suck. But in term of government, the are not doing too bad. Everyone knows there are a lot of bad officials, but that is some TRADITION from hundreds even thousand years ago; that is because we are CHINESE, and it is in China. There is nothing anyone can do about it. On the other hand, who fed almost 1/5 of the world population? Who make chinese voice heard in the world?

For people in China, disregard the race matter, all what they care is if the "world" (the surrounding of the place where they live) is peaceful, if they can fed their kids, if they can have some entertainment, and if they can life happily. Nobody gives a shit if it is Manchurian or Han or Mongolian.

In the peace age, there are people not happy with the government, and start to talk about the shit of the government. And these people are so called :educated: But look at them, what good do these people do? Do they produce something for the people? NO! they are only creating restlessness in people's mind, and people don't want that!!!

So, put away all you crap and fade away, and stop putting more shame on our race!!!
To everyone, please separate this 爱新觉罗. 鼎生 from Manchurian in general. One of two persons shouldn't represent the whole.

We do have our pride, and we demand you people to have some respect to it.

Thank you.
最初由 DJHAI 发布

最初由 ding-sheng 发布


爱新觉罗. 鼎生


若是与佛无缘,即是万点也不会化的. 佛要能点化得了王臣, 也不必忙于普渡众生了.
"普天之下莫非王土"让人有些疑问, 但肯定一点,普天之下皆无净土.

你就别操心太重啦,一句话: 随它去吧......历史早就写好了,因为人类是不会有太多改变的. 你还是了却复辟的尘心, 渡自己算了.



Re: 鲁迅先生有言在先

最初由 ding-sheng 发布



最初由 abner 发布

