
最初由 点着看 发布
最初由 dropinto 发布

not easy, 马 is faster then 驴
so the result is always 骑驴找驴.
Why not maing an arrangement with him that both of you will wait for one more year. After cooling down, you can TRUELY decide for yourselves.
Re: Re: 嫁给他,还是回去寻找梦想



最初由 moody 发布
not all women agree this, especially young girls

Totally agree with your point.
最初由 yh_abc 发布
Why not maing an arrangement with him that both of you will wait for one more year. After cooling down, you can TRUELY decide for yourselves.

The problem is not from both parties... this solution is unfair to the boy...
嫁给他吧!回来你P也不是.如果25以下,还好说点! 26以上就很难找到朋友了.国内30好几的男人都不找26以上的.也就加拿大那边,有些饥不择食~~~
Re: Re: 嫁给他,还是回去寻找梦想

最初由 捶妮春 发布

Well, it is quite obvious. Dump him and move on.

At present you are quite engergetic and he is a dumb HK boy.

In five years from now, it will be very likely for you two to switch positions.

What you need now is a gentleman who can overshaow you completely. In this way, you can feel comfortable and save your engergy for the long run.

It isn't a matter of dream, the feeling of which is misleading you.

Your delimma is just because the dumb HK boy isn't your Mr. Right.

Normally, a woman doesn't need others to make decison for her but need others to show sympathy to her own decison. So I am giving out my share of sympathy. :)
最初由 forte 发布

so the result is always 骑驴找驴.

骑驴还找驴? 瞎耽误功夫。