We are talking about degrees of Bachelor, Master and then Ph.D. If you have master degree, you should be qualified to apply for PH.D. If you have M. Eng., you are not qualified to proceed to a Ph. D. It happens in Dalhousie at least.
最初由 Emperor 发布 We are talking about degrees of Bachelor, Master and then Ph.D. If you have master degree, you should be qualified to apply for PH.D. If you have M. Eng., you are not qualified to proceed to a Ph. D. It happens in Dalhousie at least.
"The M.Eng. degree is not recommended as preparation for Ph.D. studies. Applicants who are considering taking a Ph.D. degree in future should apply to the M.A.Sc. program.", which is from UBC website, http://www.mech.ubc.ca/~grad/program.shtml
The following is also from UBC,
"M.A.Sc. - This is a graduate-level study program that includes a research investigation and the writing of a thesis."
"M.Eng. - This is a study program suited for students who wish to pursue their Mechanical Engineering education beyond the undergraduate level...".
"Because no research is completed with the Master of Engineering degree, graduates of this program are not eligible for continuation in the doctoral program in this department.", which is from Unversity of Waterloo (http://www.grad.uwaterloo.ca/calendar/Grad_Calendar04-05/gs/department_Details.asp?ID=15#B8)
So Jimmy_19988 have to provide more information or evidence to support what you said here or you should not mislead people here.
Totally agree with Jimmy_19988. M. Eng = Master of Engineering.
I got my M. Eng degree last year and some of my classmates are continuing on their PH.D after they received their M. Eng degree.
Your majesty, I agree with you on your point that GENERALLY people with M.Eng will not be admitted into doctorial progam because M.Eng is not a research-based degree. But my question is "why do you think M.Eng is not a master degree"? I think it is a professional degree just like MBA. Your logic will draw the conclusion: Master of Business Administration is not a master degree?