紧急求助!!!关于M.As. & M. Eng.

Question here points only to M.AS and M.Eng. It does not apply to any other program. M. AS is a graduate level sutdy but M. Eng. is not in my view. (based on three universities, UBC, Dalhousie and Waterloo). I do not know other unverisities. I understand the graduate level means it can lead to the Master degree or Ph.D. Maybe I am wrong. But the information I quoted is true and may be helpful for you.
In Carleton University, one of the requirements for PhD entrance is the Master thesis, either a MSc/MASc thesis or MEng thesis. But if you didn't finish a thesis in Master study, you definitely have no chance to enter the PhD program.
最初由 呆呆虫 发布
In Carleton University, one of the requirements for PhD entrance is the Master thesis, either a MSc/MASc thesis or MEng thesis. But if you didn't finish a thesis in Master study, you definitely have no chance to enter the PhD program.

Previously(before 2002) Systems and Computer Engineering Department of Carleton University don't offer MAsc but only MENG with thesis.

Now they change the name from Meng to Masc .

So Mengs has different definitions in different universities and at different time.
最初由 helpwantedplease 发布

Previously(before 2002) Systems and Computer Engineering Department of Carleton University don't offer MAsc but only MENG with thesis.

Now they change the name from Meng to Masc .

So Mengs has different definitions in different universities and at different time.

Actually, there are two kinds of M. Eng:
1) Thesis-based M. Eng, with which people can continue to the Ph D.
2) Course-based M. Eng. this kind is a sort of co-op with industry.
In current economic situation, most universities cann't offer the 2nd kind, and only offer the 1st kind M. Eng, especially for E. E, Eng. Physics, material and computer, etc. The reason is the same as addressed in previous post.
最初由 Emperor 发布
Question here points only to M.AS and M.Eng. It does not apply to any other program. M. AS is a graduate level sutdy but M. Eng. is not in my view. (based on three universities, UBC, Dalhousie and Waterloo). I do not know other unverisities. I understand the graduate level means it can lead to the Master degree or Ph.D. Maybe I am wrong. But the information I quoted is true and may be helpful for you.
Your definition of a graduate level study is wrong. Any program offered by a graduate school should be considered as a graduate level study, regardless if it is M.AS, M.Eng., graduate diploma/certificate, or PhD,. The information you quoted from UBC, Dalhousie and Wateloo is true, but none of them explicitly says M.Eng. is not a graduate level study.