钱是怎么划到MASTER CARD的账户
online banking or mail a check.
TD BANK需要1000刀的存款
This is for chequing account, not for visa account. And it's NOT mandatory, you can have balance lower than this, the only problem you need to pay for the transaction.
For credit card application: The visa and master will use same credit checking for your apply. So it's very hard for you to get the visa. Try to build your credit history first.
In some banks, you can apply a credit card even you are not a PR. What you need to do is to tell them you have a job here (work perimt, contract or letter from the institute etc) and make a term deposit (like GIC or what ever, about $1000) in this bank. The credit is about the same amount of the term deposit. You can take your money back when you cancel the credit card or when the term is complete.
I was at the exact situation as you before and I got a CIBC visa.
I used to have the same kind of experience when I was a visting scholar (Postdoc at CU).
I got refused by almost all big banks. The reason of course is that you are not a landed immigrant yet. Later on, I took a part time course at CU; and I tried to apply through the on-campus student Visa application process. Finally, I got my first credit card before immigrating. It is a tough process to get the first one.
However, I do think that you should be OK for a credit card if you can deposit a fixed lump sum money in the bank.
I remember seeing a similar posting that a new student complains of not being able to get his (her) apartment application approved. It is actually due to the same route problem: Establishing your first credit record is difficult.
You may start trying some store credit cards first such as those suggested by some users upstairs.
Zellers, Canadian Tire, even CAA. But, you may still face the problem of your status: You are not a landed immigrant yet. Unfair but reasonable!
Give it a shot but don't be discouraged if declined; otherwise, wait until you have changed your status here if you can not afford a fixed lump sum deposit.